
Regula Face SDK for iOS

Primary LanguageSwift

FaceSDK Catalog for iOS

Version Platform

The FaceSDK Catalog is an example app for FaceSDK iOS. This project contains various code examples of how to customize and setup FaceSDK for your usecases.

Regula FaceSDK

FaceSDK is a framework that is used for face matching, recognition, and liveness detection.


  1. The latest Xcode;
  2. Cocoapods.


  1. Download or clone the repository using the command;
git clone https://github.com/regulaforensics/FaceSDK-iOS.git
  1. Install Pods;
pod install
  1. Open the Catalog.xcworkspace and run Catalog target.


Take a look at our Documentation for the API.

Additional information

If you have any technical questions, feel free to contact us or create issues here.