A fast and independent hashing library pure JavaScript implemented for both server and client side
is a pure JavaScript implementation of the most extended hash algorithms.
Its goal is to provide an independent, fast and easy solution for hash algorithms both for client-side and server-side JavaScript environments.
The code is fully compatible with the ECMAScript language specification and was tested in all major browsers (client-side) and node.js (server-side).
Aditional functionalities
Base64 encoding/decoding
(http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3548)CRC-32 calculation
UTF-8 encoding/decoding
- Browser (ES5)
- Node.js (all versions)
- Rhino
- RingoJS
Following some software design patterns, jsHashes
implements an object-oriented class-based paradigm for an easy and clean use.
Each algorithm has its respective own class
, providing encapsulation and independence from other classes.
All the classes
are defined inside the Hashes
Object namespace.
Here you can see an example of how to create a new instance for each algorithm:
// new MD5 instance
var MD5 = new Hashes.MD5;
// new SHA1 instance
var SHA1 = new Hashes.SHA1;
// new SHA256 instance
var SHA256 = new Hashes.SHA256;
// new SHA512 instace
var SHA512 = new Hashes.SHA512;
// new RIPEMD-160 instace
var RMD160 = new Hashes.RMD160;
Now, an example of how to output an hexadecimal-based hash encoding for each algorithm (client-side):
// sample string
var str = 'Sample text!';
// output to console
console.log('MD5: ' + MD5.hex(str));
console.log('SHA1: ' + SHA1.hex(str));
console.log('SHA256: ' + SHA256.hex(str));
console.log('SHA512: ' + SHA512.hex(str));
console.log('RIPEMD-160: ' + RMD160.hex(str));
This is a simple implementation for a client-side environment:
<script type="application/javascript" src="src/hashes.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
// sample string
var str = 'This is a sample text!';
// new MD5 instance and hexadecimal string encoding
var MD5 = new Hashes.MD5().hex(str);
// output into DOM
document.write('<p>MD5: <b>' + MD5 + '</b></p>');
The library was builded using the CommonJS module standard, so the same code works in Node.
is available via NPM. You can install it simply doing:
$ npm install jshashes
Aditionaly, you can get jsHashes using Bower or Jam package managers.
$ bower install jshashes
$ jam install jshashes
A Node.js example:
// require the module
var Hashes = require('jshashes');
// sample string
var str = 'This is a sample text!';
// new SHA1 instance and base64 string encoding
var SHA1 = new Hashes.SHA1().b64(str);
// output to console
console.log('SHA1: ' + SHA1);
Each algorithm class
provides the following public methods:
- Hexadecimal hash encoding from string.b64(string)
- Base64 hash encondig from string.any(string,encoding)
- Custom hash algorithm values encoding.hex_hmac(string,key)
- Hexadecimal hash with HMAC salt key.b64_hmac(string,key)
- Base64 hash with HMAC salt key.any_hmac(string,key,encoding)
- Custom hash values encoding with HMAC salt key support.vm_test()
- Simple self-test to see is working. Returnsthis
- Enable/disable uppercase hexadecimal returned string. Returnsthis
- Defines a custom base64 pad string. Default is '=' according with the RFC standard. Returnsthis
- Enable/disable UTF-8 character encoding. Returnsthis
- Hexadecimal (most extended)
- Base64
- Custom hash values
Node.js 0.6.18 running on a VPS Intel I7 930 with 512 MB of RAM (see server/benchmark.js
Simple benchmark test generating 10000 hashes for each algorithm.
String: "A0gTtNtKh3RaduBfIo59ZdfTc5pTdOQrkxdZ5EeVOIZh1cXxqPyexKZBg6VlE1KzIz6pd6r1LLIpT5B8THRfcGvbJElwhWBi9ZAE"
* MD5
** Done in: 205 miliseconds
* SHA1
** Done in: 277 miliseconds
* SHA256
** Done in: 525 miliseconds
* SHA512
** Done in: 593 miliseconds
* RMD160
** Done in: 383 miliseconds
See client/benchmark.html
for client-side.
- Don't support checksum hash for files on the server-side, only strings-based inputs are supported.
- It has not been planned to include support for more hash algorithms.
- The goal is to provide the same JavaScript code in both server and client side, so it isn't planned to improve it in other ways.
- Only Node.js server-side was tested, so with minimal changes, you can setup
in other server-side JS environment.
- Performance improvements and minimal refactor (length property caching, literal notation)
- Available from Bower package manager
- Refactoring (hoisting, coercion, removed redundant functions, scoping, restructure...)
- Performance improves
- JSLint validation (except bitwise operators)
- Now the library can be used like a AMD CommonJS module
- Updated documentation
- New folders structure
- Added closure compiled and minimized library version
- Available from Jam package manager
- Added index.js for easy call the module in Node.js
- Updated documentation
- Now declaring objects using Literal Notation.
- Solved sintax errors on minimized version (jshashes.min.js)
- Added benchmark test and sample
- Starting non-redundancy code refactorization
- Added
Object with some global functions - Added native support for Base64 provided as
- Added CRC-32 calculation support
- Added URL encode/decode helpers functions
- SHA1 error fixed.
- General code changes (renaming classes, private methods, new methods...).
- Changing library namespace to 'Hashes'.
- Starting code documentation.
- Added new examples of how to use.
- Minimal library improvements.
- There has been added some samples, like how to use it and support for NPM package.
- First release: the code is stable, but the library is still beta and must be improved and documented.
- Performance tests with JSLitmus
- Testing
- CLI support
- Paul Johnston
- Angel Marin (SHA256)
- Jeremy Lin (RIPEMD-160)
- Greg Holt
- Andrew Kepert
- Ydnar
- Lostinet
jsHashes is released under New BSD
license. See LICENSE
Feel free to report any issue you experiment via Github https://github.com/h2non/jsHashes/issues.