Rego's Layout Components



This is just simple Container that you can use.

You can control options(ex.minWidth) of Container with props.


<Container minWidth={100} maxWidth={200}>
  <div>Hello, World!</div>


There are several options for Container. I'll describe all of options for you.

  1. minWidth: The minWidth setting requires number(px) or string(n%) to be entered(default: '100%').

example of number

<Container minWidth={100}>Hello, World!</Container>

example of string

<Container minWidth={'100%'}>Hello, World!</Container>
  1. maxWidth: The maxWidth setting requires number(px) or string(n%) to be entered(default: '100%').

  2. overflow: You can decide on the overflow option among the following options.

    auto | scroll | hidden | visible

  3. padding: You can determine padding by entering number for Container

  4. borderRadius: The borderRadius setting requires number(px) or string(n%) to be entered.

example of number

<Container borderRadius={8}>Hello, World!</Container>

example of string

<Container borderRadius={'50%'}>Hello, World!</Container>
  1. background: The background setting requires string that color name(, white) or Hex(ex. #ffffff)(default: 'white').



This is simple Gird layout component.

You can control number of Grid's columns, rows with props.


<Grid column={3} row={3} gap={10}>


  1. column: The column decides value of repeat($value, 1fr) attribute by entering number.

  2. row: The row decides value of repeat($value, 1fr) attribute by entering number like column does.

  3. gap: The gap decides gap of columns and rows by entering number.

  4. padding: You can determine padding by entering number for Grid



This is simple Flex component you can use.

There are several options you can control. direction, justify, and so on.


  1. direction: You can decide on the direction option among the following options.

    row | column

  2. justify: You can decide on the justify option among the following options.

    center | baseline | flex-start | flex-end | space-around | space-between | space-evenly

  3. align: You can decide on the align option among the following options.

    center | flex-start | flex-end

  4. gap: The gap decides gap of columns and rows by entering number.

  5. padding: You can determine padding by entering number for Grid



This Drawer has children for render. Drawer appear where anchor you input.


import { Drawer, useDrawer } from 'rego-layout-component';

// ...

const { isOpen, closeDrawer, openDrawer } = useDrawer();

return (
    <button onClick={openDrawer}>open drawer</button>
    <Drawer anchor="left" isOpen={isOpen} closeDrawer={closeDrawer} padding={1}>


  1. anchor: You can decide on the direction option among the following options.

    'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom'

  2. isOpen: You can control Drawer's state by isOpen.

  3. closeDrawer: This function is used to close Drawer.

  4. padding: You can determine padding by entering number for Grid