Library Management System

It is a Web Application for automating the book leasing and management process of Libraries. It is implemented in Laravel and has two views the admin and user views.


  1. Install Laravel 6.x
  2. Clone the Project
  3. Run the Following Commands
    	composer install
    	npm install
    	cp .env.example .env
    	php artisan key:generate
  4. Create an empty database with the same name found in .env file [Initially it's named laravel - you can leave it as it is].
  5. In the .env file fill in the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD options to match the credentials of the database you just created. This will allow us to run migrations in the next step.
  6. Run the following:
    	php artisan migrate
  7. Run the following to make storage link for books' covers
    	php artisan storage:link


Run the following command to launch the app bash php artisan serve

Admin Features

  1. CRUD Operations on Users / Admins.
  2. CRUD Operations on Books.
  3. CRUD Operations on Book Categories.
  4. Activate/Deactivate Users.
  5. View a Profit Chart.

User Features

  1. Update his Profile Data.
  2. Lease Books.
  3. View Books.
    • Order by: rate / latest.
    • Search by: title / author.
    • Filter by Category
  4. Rate Books.
  5. Add / Remove Books from his Favorites.
  6. Add / Delete Comments on Books.

Built With



  1. Mohamed Adham
  2. Mohamed Tarek
  3. Rehab Ayman
  4. Mohamed Zakaria
  5. Nouran M.Yehia