
A website that uses python in the backend running on aws lambda that calls OpenAi(daVinci) to create taglines based on keywords you enter, a Full Stack web App

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A website that uses python in the backend running on aws lambda and apiGateway that calls OpenAi(daVinci) to create taglines based on keywords you enter, a Full Stack web App

You can view it here: https://ai-site-theta.vercel.app/

but at the moment it wont give you any results cause i have disabled my OpenAi key, but just copy the code and use your key in a .env file and you're all set

run ./generate_base_layer to create a zip folder to upload to aws using cdk deploy, so that all the dependencies are available for the lambda function to use Screenshot 2022-08-04 at 00 20 05