
This project optimize my simple resume for speed! Specifically optimize the crp and make this resume render as quickly as possible. animation optimization have been done in pizzeria website to meet the 60fps rate.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

This project is to optimize the online resume for speed! Mainly to optimize the CRP and make this page render as quickly as possible. Also the pizzeria website have various optimizations for animation to meet the 60fps silky smooth rate. Live demo of this project is available here.



Part 1- Page Speed Insights

  1. Mobile: 95/100
  2. Desktop: 96/100

Part 2- Optimize Frames Per Second in pizza.html

  1. Animation render at less than 30fps
  2. Time to resize pizza is in between 1ms to 3ms. Vary for different pizza sizes

To get started, check out the repository and inspect the code.

Getting started

Some useful tips to help you get started:

  1. Check out the repository
  2. To inspect the site on your phone, you can run a local server
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
  1. Open a browser and visit localhost:8080
  2. Download and install ngrok to the top-level of your project directory to make your local server accessible remotely.
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> ./ngrok http 8080
  1. Copy the public URL ngrok gives you after tunneling and access it! Optional: More on integrating ngrok, Grunt and PageSpeed.


Have any questions? shoot me an email at rehanumardogar[at]gmail.com. I am happy to answer!