
Part of a blog series: Improve Developer Experience (DX) by publishing an API SDK - a CDK Serverless example

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is used to demo the usage of the SDK API NPM packaged that is published by the backend project here: https://github.com/rehanvdm/pets-backend. It has a basic HTML file with a JS file that is built from a TS file using browserify.

You can use the GULP plugin for your IDE to debug and run the gulpfile.js that is used as the build script. You can also run the scripts vianpm run <TASK> for your convenience.

Important note about versioning. The NPM package version is the same as the OpenAPI spec version. To prevent breaking changes, the version number of the API has to be fixed when installing the package.


  1. Create a Personal Access Token(PAT) on GitHub so that we can get the SDK API NPM package. You need to assign the flowing permissions:
    • read:packages Download packages from GitHub Package Registry
  2. Make a copy of the .npmrc.example file and replace: -<YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN HERE> with your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) that you obtained above
    • <YOUR GITHUB PROFILE OR ORGANIZATION NAME> with your GutHub username of where the package is installed
  3. Now you can install packages npm install


  1. Set the backend URL in the /src/index.ts file on line 3, replace <YOUR URL HERE - NO TRAILING SLASH> with the URL you got after deploying the backend project.

  2. Replace the AWS config values if you want to do deploy to AWS in the gulpfile.js on lines 25-27:


Running locally

The /src directory contains a basic HTML file that is used to output the JSON contents of the API calls. The src/index.ts file uses the API SDK, it is transpiled to JS and then copied along with the src/index.html file to the /dist directory.

Useful commands:

  • npm run build_source - Does the TS => JS transpolation and then copies the src files to the dist folder.
  • npm run watch_source - Watches the src/index.ts and src/index.html files and if they change, it runs the build command above.

Running on AWS

This is just a basic/default S3 bucket + CloudFront setup, the CloudFront URL will be shown after you deployed.

  • npm run cdk_diff - Runs build_source and the cdk diff command.
  • npm run cdk_deploy - Runs build_source and the cdk deploy command.
  • npm run cdk_hotswap - Runs build_source and the cdk deploy --hotswap command.

Using the API SDK package


import {Api} from "@rehanvdm/pets-api"

const apiBaseUrl = "<YOUR URL HERE - NO TRAILING SLASH>";
const api = new Api({
   baseUrl: apiBaseUrl,
   // baseApiParams: {
   //   headers: {
   //     "Authorization": "<YOUR TOKEN HERE>"
   //   }
   // }

let pet = await api.pets.getPetById(1);

Note that you get autocomplete for the function (aka API arguments, with proper types) right in your IDE.

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The raw OpenAPI spec file can be seen at node_modules/@rehanvdm/pets-api/schema.yaml. The api.pets.getPetById method corresponds to the GET /pets/{id} API call.

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