
The client library that is used to ingest data into the backend of the https://github.com/rehanvdm/serverless-website-analytics CDK component

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Serverless Website Analytics Client


There are two ways to use the client:

  • Standalone import script - Single line, standard JS script in your HTML.
  • SDK client - Import the SDK client into your project and use in any SPA.

Standalone Import Script Usage

Then include the standalone script in your HTML:

<html lang="en">
<head> ... </head>
<script src="<YOUR BACKEND ORIGIN>/cdn/client-script.js" site="<THE SITE YOU ARE TRACKING>" attr-tracking="true"></script>

You need to replace <YOUR BACKEND ORIGIN> with the origin of your deployed backend. Available attributes on the script are:

  • site - Required. The name of your site, this must correspond with the name you specified when deploying the serverless-website-analytics backend.
  • api-url - Optional. Uses the same origin as the current script if not specified. This is the URL to the backend. Allowing it to be specified opens a few use cases for testing.
  • attr-tracking - Optional. If "true", the script will track all button and a HTML elements that have the swa-event attribute on them. Example: <button swa-event="download">Download</button>. See below for options.
  • serverless-website-analytics - Optional. This is only required if the browser does not support document.currentScript (All modern browsers since 2015 do). Only specify the tag, no value is needed.


Attribute tracking

If you specified the attr-tracking attribute on the script tag, then all button and a HTML elements that have the swa-event attribute on them will be tracked. The swa-event attribute is required and the following attributes are available:

  • swa-event-category - Optional. The category of the event that can be used to group events.
  • swa-event-data - Optional. The data of the event. Defaults to 1.
  • swa-event-async - Optional. If present, the event will be sent asynchronously with no guarantee of delivery but a better chance of not being canceled if page is unloaded right after.
<button swa-event="download">Download</button>

<button swa-event="download" swa-event-category="clicks">Download</button>

<button swa-event="buy" swa-event-category="clicks" swa-event-data="99">Buy now</button>

<a swa-event="click" swa-event-category="link" swa-event-data="2" swa-event-async>Click me</a>
Manual tracking

You can find the instantiated instance of the serverless-website-analytics component under the window at window.swa. This enables you to call all the functions like tracking manually. Example:


Beacon/pixel tracking

Beacon/pixel tracking can be used as alternative to HTML attribute tracking. Beacon tracking is useful for tracking events outside your domain, like email opens, external blog views, etc.

<img src="<YOUR BACKEND ORIGIN>/api-ingest/v1/event/track/beacon.gif?site=<SITE>&event=<EVENT>" height="1" width="1" alt="">

The site and event fields are required. The category field and all the other fields are optional, except the referrer field, which is not supported.

SDK Client Usage

Install the client:

npm install serverless-website-analytics-client

Irrelevant of the framework, you have to do the following to track page views on your site:

  1. Initialize the client only once with analyticsPageInit. The site name must correspond with one that you specified when deploying the serverless-website-analytics backend. You also need the URL to the backend. Make sure your frontend site's Origin is whitelisted in the backend config.
  2. On each route change call the analyticsPageChange function with the name of the new page.

Beacon/pixel tracking is also supported but it is not recommended as it looses some info the SDK gathers. This includes the session_id, user_id and referrerfields. The first two can still be specified but the reffer field ca not.


The following sections show you how to do it in a few frameworks, but you can still DIY with the SDK in ANY framework. The OpenAPI spec can be used for any language that isn't TS/JS.



import * as swaClient from 'serverless-website-analytics-client';

const app = createApp(App);

  inBrowser: true, //Not SSR
  site: "<Friendly site name>", //vue-project
  apiUrl: "<Your serverless-website-analytics URL>", //https://my-serverless-website-analytics-backend.com
  // debug: true,
router.afterEach((event) => {


export { swaClient };



import {swaClient} from "./main";
//                         (event: string, data?: number, category?: string)
swaClient.v1.analyticsTrack("vue", count.value, "test")



import * as swaClient from 'serverless-website-analytics-client';

const router = createBrowserRouter([

  inBrowser: true, //Not SSR
  site: "<Friendly site name>", //vue-project
  apiUrl: "<Your serverless-website-analytics URL>", //https://my-serverless-website-analytics-backend.com
  // debug: true,

router.subscribe((state) => {

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
    <RouterProvider router={router} />

export { swaClient };



import {swaClient} from "./main.tsx";
//                         (event: string, data?: number, category?: string)
swaClient.v1.analyticsTrack("vue", count.value, "test")



<!-- Show the router -->
<Router {routes}  on:routeLoaded={routeLoaded} />

<script context="module">
import Router from 'svelte-spa-router'
import * as swaClient from 'serverless-website-analytics-client';

import Home from "./Home.svelte";
import About from "./About.svelte";

const routes = {
  '/': Home,
  '/about': About,

  inBrowser: true, //Not SSR
  site: "<Friendly site name>", //vue-project
  apiUrl: "<Your serverless-website-analytics URL>", //https://my-serverless-website-analytics-backend.com
  // debug: true,

function routeLoaded(event) {

export { swaClient };



<script lang="ts">
import { swaClient } from '../App.svelte'
//                         (event: string, data?: number, category?: string)
swaClient.v1.analyticsTrack("svelte", count, "test")


See example at: https://github.com/cebert/serverless-web-analytics-demo-spa-application


See example at: https://github.com/wheeleruniverse/wheelerrecommends

..Any other framework

Package src

The src located at package/src/index.ts does not use any libraries to generate the API. The TypeScript types however are generated from the OpenAPI-Ingest.yaml file that is copied(manually) from the backend (cd src/src && npm run generate-openapi-ingest). Once the latest OpenAPI-Ingest.yaml is copied to the package/src directory the command cd package && npm run generate-types can be run to generate the latest TS types.

The client is written in a functional manner and leverages namespaces for the versioning.

The deploy scripts are managed by wireit which just supercharges your npm scripts. It calls the certain functions in the package/src/scripts.ts file to do things like generate the API TS types from the OpenAPI spec and package the app from the /src to the /dist directory.


Commits MUST follow the Conventional Commits standard. Commit names are used to determine the next logical version number as per semantic-release. A small cheat sheet, in order to get a:

  • Patch - Have at least 1 commit name with a fix: type
  • Minor - Have at least 1 commit name with a feat: type
  • Major - Have at least 1 commit message (in the footer) that includes the words: BREAKING CHANGE:

A new Major version should only be rolled when a new version of the backend ingest API is rolled out. The client package major version must always match the current ingest API latest version.

A GitHub workflow is used to create the new version on GitHub and NPM. It is only triggered on the condition that it is a push to main (after a PR is merged) and that the /package files changed.


All contributions are welcome!

There are currently no test other than manually verifying the code works as expected by the frameworks as in the Usage section. There is also no style enforced, but I would prefer the following for the time being:

  • 2 spaces
  • Semicolons on line-endings
  • Braces on new lines for functions, types can be inline.

I know barbaric 😅. Tests, linting, prettier and pre commit hooks still need to be added and then the style mention above can be forgo.


The network calls to the backend fail with 403

This is because the Origin that is sending the request has not been added to the ALLOWED_ORIGINS config.

Examples of Origins:

  • If you are doing local development then your origin might look like http://localhost:5173
  • If it from your personal blog then it might look like https://rehanvdm.com but don't forget to also whitelist all possible subdomains as well like: https://www.rehanvdm.com.

If this value is currently set to allow all Origins (not recommended) with a * then the 403 is caused by something else and not the Origin whitelisting.

Why not fetch with keepalive in the client

The navigator.sendBeacon(...) has type ping in Chrome or beacon in FireFox instead of POST, it also does not send preflight OPTION calls even if it is not the same host. Browsers just handle it slightly differently and the probability of it being delivered is greater than fetch with keepalive set. More on the topic.