
Simple ad-hoc git completion that works for me

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Simple ad-hoc git completion that works for me

Why not posh-git?

I couldn't figure out how to only get the completion to work, without loading the whole module, so I created my own that doesn't slow down your profile by ~0.5 seconds.

Also, this one tries to intelligently provide completions based on context, e.g. git add <tab> will provide a list of unstaged/modified files, while git switch <tab> provides a list of branches to switch to, etc. They are added as needed.

How to use?

Install it either manually, or from PowershellGallery with:

Install-Module pwsh-git-completion

Later, register the completions with the function Register-GitCompletion. Add it to your profile to load the completion automatically.

Support completions

This module does not support all git commands, but the ones I use most often myself. PRs are welcome to add support for more commands!

Currently, the module supports:

  • git <tab> to complete commands git add <tab> to complete unstaged files
  • git rm <tab> to complete removable files
  • git restore <tab> to complete modified, but non-staged, files
  • git checkout <tab> to complete potential refs to checkout
  • git rebase <tab> to complete potential refs to rebase upon
  • git switch <tab> to complete branches to switch to
  • git any-command -<tab> to complete flags for any command (completed by parsing git help any-command, some commands might be broken)

All completions also supports substring completions, e.g. git add .psm1<tab> will complete any unstaged files that has .psm1 in it's full path.


Probably the latest version of Powershell, or at least PSReadLine 2.1.0.