
With Kyou, have a better knowledge of yourself

Primary LanguageCSS


Through your webtools, your objects and your collaborations you create a huge amount of personal data. Unfortunately you can't take advantage of it at its full potential. That's a pity because you could learn a lot about yourself. To picture it, let's say that the world of personal data is like an unexplored land where the entrance is right behind your house. You know you could enter it but you don't really know where to go once you are there. It makes you sad because you are pretty sure that lots of new suprises await you.

KYou is the first steps through this new country. By building analytics from your Cozy data, it provides you the first shape of a better knowledge of yourself. Kyou aggregates data from your web applications and displays it as simple charts. With the help of these new insights, you will learn more about you and improve yourself.


Analytics are built from trackers. There are three kinds of trackers (only the two first ones have been implemented yet):

  • trackers that aggregate data from your Cozy
  • trackers that require a daily recording from you
  • trackers that aggregate data from outside your Cozy

Available trackers

Mood Store your mood every day and look if there are correlations with other analytics.

Task Count how many tasks were marked done every day. Data comes from Cozy Todos

Events Count how many events were listed every day. Data comes from Cozy Calendar

Expenses Count how many money you spent every day. Data comes from Cozy PFM

Steps Count how many steps you walk every day. Data comes from Jawbone UP.

Sleep Count how many minutes you sleep every day. Data comes from Jawbone UP.

Tweets Count how many tweets you published every day. Data comes from Twitter

Custrom trackers The tracker you require, set title and description then go track your specific stuff.

What about contributions?

Here are the next things I have in mind and not started yet. Your participation to them would be highly appreciated. Of course any idea is welcome!

  • allow to import CSV data into a custom tracker
  • allow to see raw data for mood and basic tracker
  • send daily reminders to fill custom trackers
  • allow to add a goal line
  • send weekly report on goal achievements
  • allow user to hide the trackers he doesn't use
  • localization/translations
  • write tests
  • mobile app

Coding trackers

To add a tracker of your own, add a plugin to this folder. Adding a tracker requires one coffeescript file, with the following fields:

  • a name
  • a color
  • description
  • Cozy model from where the data comes from
  • A Data System request to describe the process required to build the data.

See existing trackers for example.

Coding connector to fetch data from web services

See the Konnectors project. This project allows to build easily connectors to other web services for your Cozy.


Wired, MeMachine


KYou logo comes from Iconmonstr.com

KYou is licensed under AGPL v3