Official website of Ruby on Rails Link.
- Ruby 2.4.4
- PostgreSQL 10.x
- Redis 4.x
Join the Railslink-dev Slack team by requesting an invitation (we'll need your email) in the official #railslink-dev channel.
Ask an existing member of Railslink-dev to make you an admin.
Acquire the missing Railslink-dev ENV vars in
from another Slack member (ie. phallstrom). Add them to.env.local
. -
Install gems:
bundle install
Test the Slack API:
rake slack:test:api
Create the database:
rake db:setup
Sync Slack channels:
rake slack:sync:channels
Optionally sync Slack users:
rake slack:sync:users
Start the Rails server:
rails s
Visit http://localhost:3000/admin and verify you can login and see the admin dashboard.