
Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker that displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal. See how fast your stonks will crash.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


GitHub GitHub contributors GitHub last commit GitHub release (latest by date) AUR version

Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker.


Requirements: golang >= 1.13


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run make && make install


Stonks is available on:

  • The AUR. You can install it on arch linux with my other project yup: $ yup -S stonks

  • HomeBrew: brew install ericm/stonks/stonks


Binaries are now available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux under each release

You can now access basic stock graphs for passed stock tickers via the stonks HTTP client (stonks.icu).

Try it:

$ curl stonks.icu/amd/ba


It uses Yahoo Finance as a backend so use the ticker format as seen on their website.

Displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal

  stonks [flags]

  -d, --days int          24 hour period of stocks from X of days ago.
  -e, --extra             Include extra pre + post time. (Only works for day)
  -h, --help              help for stonks
  -i, --interval string   stonks -i X[m|h] (eg 15m, 5m, 1h, 1d) (default "15m")
  -n, --name string       Optional name for a stonk save
  -r, --remove string     Remove an item from favourites
  -s, --save string       Add an item to the default stonks command. (Eg: -s AMD -n "Advanced Micro Devices")
  -t, --theme string      Display theme for the chart (Options: "line", "dot", "icon")
  -v, --version           stonks version
  -w, --week              Display the last week (will set interval to 1d)
  -y, --year              Display the last year (will set interval to 5d)
      --ytd               Display the year to date (will set interval to 5d)

$ stonks

Gives graphs and current value/change of saved stocks. Stonks

$ stonks -s AMD -n "Advanced Micro Devices"

Add a favourite stock to be tracked with $ stonks

$ stonks -r AMD

Remove a favourite stock

$ stonks AMD

Gives the current stock for each ticker passed that day


$ stonks -w AMD

Gives the current stock for each ticker passed for the past week


$ stonks -d 4 AMD

Gives the current stock for each ticker passed X days ago



The config file is located at ~/.config/stonks.yml

You can change the following options:

  default_theme: 0 # 0: Line, 1: Dots, 2: Icons
  favourites_height: 12 # Height of the chart in each info panel
  standalone_height: 12

Usage with wtfutil

You can use a program such as wtfutil (On Arch Linux: yup -S wtfutil) to make stonks refresh automatically. See the sample ~/.config/wtf/config.yml provided by Gideon Wolfe :

    background: black
      focusable: darkslateblue
      focused: blue
      normal: gray
    checked: yellow
      fore: black
      back: gray
      even: yellow
      odd: white
    # How _wide_ the columns are, in terminal characters. In this case we have
    # four columns, each of which are 35 characters wide.
    columns: [33, 33, 33]
    # How _high_ the rows are, in terminal lines. In this case we have four rows
    # that support ten line of text and one of four.
    rows: [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20]
  refreshInterval: 1

      type: cmdrunner
      args: ["tsla", "intc", "--theme", "dot"]
      cmd: "stonks"
      enabled: true
        top: 0
        left: 0
        height: 2
        width: 3
      refreshinterval: 10
      title: "🤖 Tech"
      type: cmdrunner
      args: ["jpm", "v", "--theme", "dot"]
      cmd: "stonks"
      enabled: true
        top: 2
        left: 0
        height: 2
        width: 3
      refreshinterval: 10