Use a Docker Image with the correct version of Python and Tensorflow, I don't recommend going through the effort of installing the Jupyter Notebook stuff.
nvidia-docker run -v ~/selerio:/notebooks/selerio -it tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3 /bin/bash`
To run as jupyter notebook just run the command above without the /bin/bash
A list of available TF images is located here
Install requirements for this repo
pip install .
cd pascal3d
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Clone Tensorflow Models repository
git clone
Install TF Models + Slim
cd models/research/slim
pip install .
cd ../../official
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the pascal3d dataset from here
Creating a usable dataset happens in /pascal3d/pascal3d/
Change DATASET_DIR at the top of to the path to the PASCAL3D+ Dataset you just downloaded
To create a tfrecods version of the dataset
This code reads data that comes in the pascal3d format, parses it and returns it in the form of TFRecords datasets
The data contained in the each record is as follows
object_image -- The cropped and centered image of the object output_vector -- The ground truth virtual control points (16) + dimensions(3) apply_blur -- Whether or not blur should be applied to this image object_class -- Class of the object data_id -- The id of the annotation this record is from object_index -- Tells us which object in the original image record is of
To train a pose estimation model the code is in
python --model_dir="/where/you/want/model_to_be_saved/"
All the hyperparameters are global variables in They're set to the parameters in the paper.
(Should move the hyperparameters to a separate file as they are used again)
You will have to change the variable TFRECORDS_DIR to where the tfrecords have been saved (should be wherever you ran
You will also have to download the resnet v1_50 checkpoint from
Change the variable RESNET_V1_50 to be the path to this file.
TensorBoard is used to monitor the training process.
tensorboard --logdir="Wherever/The/Model/Dir/is/"
In is where I pass the eval data to the model to see the progress. This will give you the MedError and Acc PI/6 accuracy (I think something is wrong with these metrics)
To see what possible command line arguments are
python --help
While the model is training I usually use the command below and try a tfrecords file from the training set (check for overfitting) and then the eval set.
python --generate_imgs=True --model_dir="Whater/Model/You_Want" --tfrecords_file='/where_you_saved/the/pascal_val.tfrecords'
If you do not set the generate imgs flag it will evaluate the entire dataset which takes a while.
This will run images through the model, for each image I create an image that shows the
- ground truth virtual control points,
- predicted virtual control points
- virtual control points from a transformed unit cube
The aim was to get my Tensorflow Model to run in Unity IOS
This is a bit tricky and you might have to try training the model you create with different versions of TensorFlow due to the compatability differences between TensorFlowSharp/ML-Agents Tensorflow Unity Plugin and actual Tensorflow.
The first step is to convert your tensorflow to the Unity compatible .bytes format
In the code you should change the base_path which is where you want your bytes graph to be saved and set the input_graph_path.
Follow this tutorial to set up unity and add the model to an Unity project TensorFlow + Unity: How to set up a custom TensorFlow graph in Unity
You will have to change the script that she has. What I did was downloaded this github repo here and modified it to use my models. I update the script so that it would draw the virtual control points rather than bounding boxes. (I'll put the code for this somewhere)
Use the optimized version of the model when you add it to the Unity project.
You should run into the same problem that I did.
The major problem will be that there are unknown ops
There are many different missing ops the error comes in this form.
2018-09-19 15:27:24.824020: E tensorflow/core/framework/] OpKernel ('op: "DecodeProtoV2" device_type: "CPU"') for unknown op: DecodeProtoV2
some more example of unknown ops - PopulationCount, RightShift, BitwiseOr, MutableDenseHashTableV2, LookupTableImportV2,
TFException: No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'ListDiff' with these attrs. Registered devices: [CPU], Registered kernels: <no registered kernels>
This issue should have been addressed here but there still seems to be an issue
Creating Custom Estimators | TensorFlow 3D Reconstruction — OpenCV (PNP and Projection) Importing Data (TFRecords Dataset) | TensorFlow ML-Agents Installation
Clean up the code! lol Figure out why the Acc PI/6 and MedError seem off Learn color from RGB image and apply to 3D model