
A snake game in C++ using sfml library.

Primary LanguageC++


Extremly beginer friendly

A classic snake game made in C++ using sfml library. Created out of boredom. I think it will be a good way to learn about different aspect of programming with C++ for a beginer.

If you are a beginer, try to

  • Contribute and fix the issues that will be posted.
  • Add new issues.
  • Change the build system to CMAKE


2016-12-14 7




  • Download the source code.
  • Import into Visual Studio
  • Build according to your need (x64 or x86 or whatever)
  • Then RUN


  • Lot's of work remaining.
    • GUI Menu
    • Settings and user data save system.
    • Sound
  • In case you are woundering about the extra complication in moving snake - That is done in order to smoothen the animation of movement. To have slower/ variable speed of snake in Higher framerate

Feel free to fork, fix the issues and contribute. Help is always welcome.