
Modular CMS powered by CakePHP

Primary LanguagePHP


Free open source content management system for PHP, released under GPL License and powered by CakePHP 2.0 MVC framework.


  • Apache with mod_rewrite
  • PHP 5.2.8 or higher
  • PHP safe mode disabled
  • MySQL 4.1 or higher


Github based installer (Recommended)

  • Download from github the latest version as zip.
  • Extract the archive. Upload the content to your server.
  • Visit http://your-site.com/ from your browser and follow the instructions.


  • Download the one-file installer from here
  • Rename from 'index.install' to 'index.php'
  • Upload the new 'index.php' to your server
  • Visit http://your-site.com/ from your browser and follow the instructions.

Manual installation

  • Create a new MySQL database ('utf8_unicode_ci' collation)
  • Use the SQL dump file QuickApps/Config/Schema/manual/quickapps.install.sql
  • Copy and rename the file QuickApps/Config/database.php.install to ./Config/database.php and set your database information (use 'qa_' as prefix).
  • Copy the file QuickApps/Config/Schema/manual/install (no extension) to ./Config/
  • The default username and password are: admin/admin
