
CakePHP Setup Plugin - containing useful management and debugging tools for CakePHP apps

Primary LanguagePHP

CakePHP Setup Plugin Build Status

This plugin provides useful tools for managing a cakephp app.


  • Clone/Copy the files in this directory into app/Plugin/Setup
  • Don't forget to include the plugin in your bootstrap's CakePlugin::load() statement or use CakePlugin::loadAll()

Tip: You can also use packagist now @ https://packagist.org/packages/dereuromark/cakephp-setup


Currently this plugin contains only the parts I managed to open source yet:

Possible dependencies: Tools Plugin (for bake templates for instance)


Just enable it via

public $components = array('Setup.Setup');


  • Auto create missing tmp folders etc in debug mode (already in core since 2.4 now)
  • Catch redirect loops with meaningful exception (will also be logged then)
  • Quick-Switch: layout, maintenance, debug, clearcache (password protected in productive mode)
  • Notify Admin via Email about self-inflicted 404s or loops (configurable)

and more.

Maintenance mode

If you have to move, update or just fix the application, an easy way to put the site into maintenance mode is to use the shell for it. Example on how to use it. Contains of:

  • Shell (cake Setup.Maintenance [command])
  • Lib
  • (Optional) Setup component to display a flash message for admins in overwrite mode

DB Maintenance tools

  • CurrentConfig shell
  • DbDump shell
  • DbMaintenance shell

Debug Tabs

As an alternative even before DebugKit existed I used a very basic tab box at the bottom to debug my apps. This is quite useful to me as it does not require a lot of clicking open content. It is all visible right away. To enable it, all you need to add is this snippet before the closing </body> tag in your layout ctp:

	if ($debug = Configure::read('debug')) {
		$this->loadHelper('Setup.Debug', $debug);

		// Custom tabs (optional)
		if (!empty($debugItem)) {
			$this->Debug->add(1, 'Custom Debug Dump', $debugItem);

  	// Display the tabs
		echo $this->Debug->show();

Make sure you have AssetDispatcher enabled for it to include the required css/js code necessary for the tabs to be tabbable.


Use at your own risk. Please provide any fixes or enhancements via issue or better pull request.

Branching strategy

The master branch is the currently active and maintained one and works with the current 2.x stable version. Older versions might be found in their respective branches (1.3, 2.0, 2.3, ...). Please provide PRs mainly against master branch then.


Licensed under The MIT License

Coming Up

  • One Click Baking
  • Complete Configuration and Maintenance Backend
  • Coding help / guidelines
  • Cleanup and Correction shells
  • Testing stuff
  • Backup stuff