
Solution to the Route-Planning Project, Docker image included

Primary LanguageC++

Route Planning Project Starter Code

This is the starter code for the Route Planning project. Instructions for each exercise can be found in the instructions directory, and unit tests for some exercises in the test directory.


When cloning this project, be sure to use the --recurse-submodules flag. Using HTTPS:

git clone https://github.com/reinaldoossuna/CppND-Route-Planning-Project --recurse-submodules

Compiling and Running


If you want to use Docker to build this project, you need first to compile the Docker image.

Dockerfile is almost the same as in https://github.com/MrD504/cpp-route-docker, i did just some change to the entrypoint and the folder of the thirdpart

docker build -t cpp .

add this line to your .bashrc

alias rrp='docker run --rm -v <global-path-to>/CppND-Route-Planning-Project/:/CppND-Route-Planning-Project cpp'


To compile the project, first, create a build directory and change to that directory:

mkdir build && cd build

From within the build directory, then run cmake and make as follows:

cmake ..

Using docker image

rrp cmake ..
rrp make


The executables will be placed in the bin directory. From within build, you can run the project as follows:

../bin/<name-of-parent-directory> -f ../map.osm


For exercises that have unit tests, the project must be built with the approprate test cpp file. This can be done by passing a string with the -DTESTING flag in cmake. For example, from the build directory:

cmake -DTESTING="RouteModel" ..

Using docker image

rrp cmake -DTESTING="RouteModel"..
rrp make

Those commands will build the code with the tests for the "Fill Out Route Model" exercise. The tests can then be run from the build directory as follows:


Exercises with tests will specify which string to pass with -DTESTING, but a table is given below with the complete list for reference:

Exercise Name -DTESTING String Value
Fill Out Route Model "RouteModel"
Fill Out Node Class "RMNodeClass"
Create RouteModel Nodes "RMSNodes"
Write the Distance Function "NodeDist"
Create Road to Node Hashmap "NodeToRoad"
Write FindNeighbors "FindNeighbors"
Find the Closest Node "FindClosest"
Write the A* Search Stub "AStarStub"
Finish A* Search "AStarSearch"