
GitHub Actions(ワークフロー)でTWRPを自動でビルド

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GitHub ActionsでTWRPを自動でビルド



  1. OrangeFoxはこちら
  2. OrangeFoxのビルドを日本語化した物はこちら


  1. Github Actions service is NOT unlimited so to avoid waste, don't use unverified source code in this, the best used to automate builds of repositories that are already stabilized

  2. Before you make any changes, make sure that the repository you are operating in belongs to you. "Fork" if you want to commit code, otherwise use "Use this template"

  3. issues and Pull Requests may NOT get a reply. If you think is really necessary, use email on my profile to contact me

  4. Python 2 in Debian (Ubuntu) has been removed. If you are working on Android 8.1 and below, use Recovery Build (Legacy)

  5. Don't ask any questions about your source code, such as

    • No rule to make ...
    • Image ... out of size




名前 説明
MANIFEST_URL ソースのアドレス https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git
MANIFEST_BRANCH ソースのブランチ twrp-12.1
DEVICE_TREE_URL デバイスのアドレス https://github.com/TeamWin/android_device_asus_I003D
DEVICE_TREE_BRANCH デバイスのブランチ android-12.1
DEVICE_PATH デバイスの場所 device/asus/I003D
COMMON_TREE_URL Commonツリーのアドレス https://github.com/TeamWin/android_device_asus_sm8250-common
COMMON_PATH Commonツリーの場所 device/asus/sm8250-common
MAKEFILE_NAME Makefileの名前 twrp_I003D
BUILD_TARGET ビルドターゲットのパーティション (boot/recovery/vendorboot) recovery


For example, your username is: JohnSmith

0. If you want to commit code, click 'Fork' in the upper right corner of this repository


1. If you just want to use it simply, click 'Use this template' in the upper right corner of this repository


2. After waiting for the automatic redirection, you will see your own username


3. Change the username and email in the workflow to reflect your Github credentials (optional)

SSHキーの設定 (任意)

4. Go to Settings, then select Deploy keys and select "Add deploy key" button.

5. On your Android device, install Termux

6. Install openssh in Termux and generate ssh keys. (Do not use passphrase for keys)

NOTE: When creating the deploy key for a repository like git@github.com:owner/repo.git or https://github.com/owner/repo, put that URL into the key comment. (Hint: Try ssh-keygen ... -C "git@github.com:owner/repo.git".) owner = your Github username

pkg install openssh
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "git@github.com:owner/Action-Recovery-Builder.git"

7. Add the keys to your repo. In Termux, use the following commands:

cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/ssh
cat ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub

Select and copy the key then paste in the box for Key. You can name it whatever you choose for the title.

8. Now to add your private ssh key. Back in Termux:

cat ssh_host_ed25519_key

Copy the output from Termux.

In your browser, select Secrets under the Security tab. Select Actions Select New repository secret For the New secret name, it should be SSH_PRIVATE_KEY Paste the output from ssh_host_ed25519_key into the Value box. Then select Add secret.

Building the Recovery

9. Click 'Actions-Recovery Build'


10. Click 'Run workflow' and fill in according to the above 'parameter description'


11. After filling in, click 'Run workflow' to start running

Compilation results

Can be downloaded at Release