
Python Editorial Tools

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python Editorial Tools

NOTE: This project has been long abandoned. If this sort of thing is interesting to you, check out the OpenTimelineIO project.

Right now the only useful thing is the Timecode object. This allows for simple timecode math operations.

All calculations are made based on the total number of frames represented by the timecode object.

So if you had a timecode of: 00:00:01:00 @ 24fps (one second at 24 frames per second) - 24 total frames

and you added this timecode: 00:00:02:00 @ 16fps (two seconds at 16 frames per second) - 32 total frames

it would yield: 00:00:02:08 @ 24fps (two seconds and 8 frames at 24 frames per second) - 56 total frames


>>> # Instantiate a timecode object
>>> tc1 = EditMaker.Timecode('01:00:03:12', fps=24)
>>> tc1
EditMaker.Timecode('01:00:03:12', fps=24)

>>> # Access individual timecode components
>>> tc1.hours
>>> tc1.minutes
>>> tc1.seconds
>>> tc1.frames
>>> tc1.total_frames
>>> tc1.timecode
>>> tc1.seconds = 2
>>> tc1
EditMaker.Timecode('01:00:02:12', fps=24)

>>> # Do math with the timecode
>>> tc2 = EditMaker.Timecode('00:00:00:20', fps=24)
>>> tc1 + tc2
EditMaker.Timecode('01:00:04:08', fps=24)
>>> tc1 - tc2
EditMaker.Timecode('01:00:02:16', fps=24)
>>> tc2 * 2
EditMaker.Timecode('00:00:01:16', fps=24)