
A LRU cache, primarily designed to cache parsed data obtained over HTTP to speed up navigation inside an Elm SPA. Maximum cache size can be specified in bytes. Data is cached after parsing in RAM.

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

A LRU cache, primarily designed to cache parsed data obtained over HTTP to speed up navigation inside an Elm SPA. Maximum cache size can be specified in byte. Data is cached after parsing in RAM.

Status of direct dependencies Latest Elm version supported License of the package Latest version of the package

Only use this if the lifetime of data is hard to judge and temporal in nature, e.g. the next request is triggered by user interactions and a more recent request is more likely to occur again. This is for example the case if a user navigates through pages of your Elm application and uses the back button.

To speed up initial page loads, you can also do predictive/speculative page loading by executing requests for possible next pages and inserting them into the cache.

type Status
    = Loading
    | Loaded a
    | Failure

statusFromResult : Result e a -> Status a
statusFromResult result =
    case result of
        Ok val ->
            Loaded val

        Err reason ->

-- SPA Main: Add a cache object to the model

type alias Model = {
    data: Page,
    cache: NetworkCache

initialCache : NetworkCache
initialCache =
    Http.Cache.empty (MegaByte 2)

-- in the page of your SPA: recieve and send back the cache object

type Msg
    = LoadedUrl Url CacheRequestResult

url : String
url = "http://example.org/thing.json"

init : NetworkCache -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init cache =
        cacheRequest =
            NetworkCache.request cache url
    case cacheRequest of
        Cached value ->
            (statusFromResult value, Cmd.none)

        NoCache request ->
            (Loading, Http.send (LoadedUrl url) request)

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, NetworkCache, Cmd Msg)
update (LoadedUrl url response) cache =
        ( newCache, result ) =
            NetworkCache.textResponse cache url response
    (statusFromResult result, newCache, Cmd.none )

view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
    case model of
        Loading -> text "loading"
        Failure -> text "failure"
        Loaded data -> text <| "loaded: " ++ Debug.toString data