
HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT - The purpose of this Arduino library is to allow the use of the SIM800L module in a simple and transparent way.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Sim800L Arduino Library revised

This is a high school project. The purpose of this library is to use the sim800L module in the simplest and most transparent way.

Original version by: [Cristian Steib] (https://github.com/cristiansteib)

connections & pinouts (DEFAULT)

Arduino Uno Sim800L Notes
+5v (3.8v)~(4.4v)! Power supply input
  • If it returns true there is an error

Methods and functions

Name Return Notes
begin() None Initialize the library
begin(number) None Initialize the library with user's baud rate
reset() None Reset the module, and wait to Sms Ready.
setSleepMode(bool) bool enable or disable sleep mode *
getSleepMode() bool return sleep mode status *
setFunctionalityMode(number) bool set functionality mode *
getFunctionalityMode() bool return functionality mode status *
setPIN(String) bool enable user to set a pin code *
getProductInfo() String return product identification information
getOperatorsList() String return the list of operators
getOperator() String return the currently selected operator
calculateLocation() bool calculate gsm position *
getLocationCode() String return the location code
getLongitude() String return longitude
getLatitude() String return latitude
sendSms(number,text) bool both parameters must be Strings. *
readSms(index) String index is the position of the sms in the prefered memory storage
getNumberSms(index) String returns the number of the sms.
delAllSms() bool Delete all sms *
signalQuality() String return info about signal quality
answerCall() bool *
callNumber(number) None
hangoffCall() bool *
getCallStatus() uint8_t Return the call status, 0=ready,2=Unknown(),3=Ringing,4=Call in progress
setPhoneFunctionality() None Set at to full functionality
activateBearerProfile() None
deactivateBearerProfile() None
RTCtime(int *day,int *month, int *year,int *hour,int *minute, int *second) None Parameters must be reference ex: &day
dateNet() String Return date time GSM
updateRtc(utc) bool Return if the rtc was update with date time GSM.