
Orbeon wrapper project, for customized interface

Primary LanguageKotlin

Orbeon Wrapper Docs

Orbeon-Wrapper platform, this creates a Java wrapper around Orbeon intended to customise the look and actions of the orbeon form runner and builder

Local Development


You must have access to this GitHub repo and the additional dependencies below (If any)

  • Docker >= 20.10.7
  • Docker compose >= 1.29.2
  • JDK == 11.0.14 used to build war archives for deployment

Additional Requirements

How to run this platform

  • Pull from github
git clone https://github.com/blueronin/orbeon-wrapper
  • run the project
cd orbeon-wrapper
docker-compose up
  • This will start containers (orbeon, orbeon-db, orbeon-wrapper) running on docker network orbeon_network
  • The wrapper will be available on http://localhost:4569/orbeon-wrapper
  • Orbeon will be available on http://localhost:4569/orbeon

Deployment Details and setup

Building for development or production.

  • we utilize gradle properties to set active profiles at build time.
  • Archives are build with a profile depending on the target environment.

Three profiles available from which to choose from (local|dev|prod)

To start the build run::

./gradlew -Pprofile=<profile> clean bootWar # profile can be one of local|dev|prod

The built archive is located under build/libs/orbeon.wrapper-<version>.war


  • version # This is set in build.gradle.kts Eg: 0.0.1-<profile>
  • This then creates a war archive in the format orbeon.wrapper-0.0.1-dev.war

Create a release/Tag on GitHub and attach the war archive as an artifact/asset, rename the asset to orbeon-wrapper-<profile>.war

The Deployment process to respective environments is handled by the setup-scripts