
Data Visualization and Reproducible Research final project

Primary LanguageR

Data Visualization and Reproducible Research

Firstname Lastname.

Learn more about me in my GitHub profile page.

The following is a sample of products created during the "Data Visualization and Reproducible Research" course.

Project 01

In the project_01/ folder you can find... [add short description of your revised project here]

Sample data visualization:

[include your favorite visualization from this project here]

Project 02

In this project, I explored ... [short description of your revised project goes here] Find the code and report in the project_02/ folder.

Sample data visualization:

[include your favorite visualization from this project here]

(you can place your figures in the figures/ folder and use the ![](path_to_picture) option to add the pictures here)

Project 03

In this project, I explored ... [short description of the data visualizations you for this part of the project produced goes here]

Sample data visualization:

[include your favorite visualization from this project here]

Moving Forward

Please add here a short reflection on what you learned and what you plan to continue exploring in terms of data visualization, data storytelling, reproducible research, and/or related topics.