A very simple, esp8266 based standalone captive-portal-like, access point serving local files only. This turns an ESP-01 module into an autonomous WiFi throwie.
Although the English release is currently ahead of the German version, you can use the html files of the German verion in the new English release.
Description: This project (apart from the code here) only requires an ESP-01 module, slightly modified NodeMCU firmware and a (rechargeable?) battery. Once running, the ESP-01 acts as an access-point, offering unencrypted access. I have added the firmware to the release packages, as the dev-environment now should all be open source / MIT licensed.
All DNS-requests are answered with the module's IP ( The HTTP-request is parsed and one of the locally stored html pages is sent to the client.
Rel03 comes with a vastly improved startup procedure (init.lua). Not all files may fit on your module, especially if flash size is only 512kByte. Leave out the PDF and MP3 files to resolve that.