Environment setup

Please, make sure that all bash scripts in ./scripts directory are executable, if you're not sure, run

chmod +x -R ./scripts

Let's run the minikube itself:

minikube start --insecure-registry

and then run script for setup minikube addons (ingress, registry) and socat for registry being available from host machine:


This setup have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with docker driver (I guess it's the default one) for minikube 1.21.0

Application build and deploy

First, build and test application with


Then, deploy application to the minikube cluster:


Checking the endpoints

We can test the endpoints with curl:

curl -H 'Host: customer-a.local' http://$(minikube ip)/api/v1/hello
curl -H 'Host: customer-b.local' http://$(minikube ip)/api/v1/hello

Cleaning up

Delete socat container with


And delete minikube:

minikube delete