
Vagrant environment for the ddserver project

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository provides a Vagrant environment for the ddserver project.

ddserver is a server-side application for dynamic DNS.

It allows you to specify hostnames (subdomains) inside a dynamic DNS zone, and to update the IPv4 address of those hostnames using the dyndns2 update protocol (http://www.noip.com/integrate). This enables you to access hosts with dynamic IP addresses by a static domain name, even if the IP address changes.

Some of its features are:

  • Nice and intuitive Web-UI
  • IP-address update using the dyndns2 protocol
  • Support for multiple domains
  • Configurable number of hosts per user
  • Strong encryption of all passwords (host and user)
  • Supports distributed installation

The project homepage is https://ddserver.0x80.io


By default the virtual machine uses a no-worry private NAT network interface. To give you access to the virtual machine services there are some pre-configured port forwardings.

  • TCP guest 8080 to your host 8080 provides access to the ddserver Web-UI
  • UDP guest 53 to your host 5353 allows to query dynamic hostnames added with ddserver
  • TCP guest 22 to your host 2222 provides SSH access, but you can also just run vagrant ssh


  1. Install VirtualBox and Vagrant on your computer
  2. Checkout this repository with: git clone https://github.com/ddserver/vagrant-ddserver.git
  3. Change the directory to vagrant-ddserver
  4. Run vagrant up to start the virtual machine
  5. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080
    • You can login with the default username and password: admin
    • For testing you can do the following:
      • Add a zone, i.e. example.com
      • Add a hostname, i.e. test.example.com
      • Use dig or nslookup to query the DNS server on localhost:5353 for your hostname

You can log into the VM with username vagrant and password vagrant. To get root access, use sudo -i

Under the hood

The Vagrantfile allows you to control the behavior of your virtual machine. On your first run Vagrant will download a Vagrant basebox based on a minimal Centos 6.5 with pre-installed Python 2.7. from the following location: http://mirror.informatik.hs-fulda.de/pub/vagrant/CentOS-6-x86_64-python27.box

Based on this machine a setup of ddserver and PowerDNS will be executed through Chef recipes. In detail:


  • Install MySQL database and development environment to compile and setup ddserver
  • Remove the default installed iptables from CentOS
  • Clone the ddserver latest master source from github
  • Compile and install ddserver
  • Create an initial ddserver.conf which fits the MySQL setup
  • Install init scripts and add ddserver to runlevels to start ddserver on server boot
  • Install MySQL database schema and set initial passwords
  • Start ddserver on port 8080


  • Install CentOS EPEL repository and REMI Repository
  • Install powerdns with powerdns backend pipe
  • Add powerdns init script to runlevels to start powerdns on server boot
  • Create a initial powerdns configuration
  • Start powerdns service

Customization through Vagrantfile

If you want to run your Vagrant with a different branch or a fork of ddserver you can configure git repository URL through the Vagrantfile by changing the giturl and branch parameter

chef.json = {
  :ddserver => {
    :giturl => "https://github.com/ddserver/ddserver.git"
  :ddserver => {
    :branch => "master"

gl & hf