
Parses Hash URIs, for the Go programming language.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Package hashuri parses Hash URIs, for the Go programming language.

And works seemlessly with the Go built-in packages: "database/sql", "fmt", "encoding/json".


Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at: http://godoc.org/github.com/reiver/go-hashuri


Hash URI Examples

Hash URIs often look like this:

 \__/   \____/ \______________________________________________________________/
  |       |                                    |
scheme algorithm                              hash

But, more generally, can look like this:

 \__/   \____/ \______________________________________________________________/ \_________________________/ \________/
  |       |                                    |                                            |                   |
scheme algorithm                              hash                                        query              fragment

Go Example

Basic usage of this package looks like this:

import "github.com/reiver/go-hashuri"

var hashURI string = "hash://sha256/0ba904eae8773b70c75333db4de2f3ac45a8ad4ddba1b242f0b3cfc199391dd8"

var parsedHashURI hashuri.Type

if err := hashuri.Parse(&parsedHashURI, hashURI); nil != err {
	return err

fmt.Printf("Hash URI algorithm: %q \n", parsedHashURI.Algorithm) // Hash URI algorithm: "sha256"
fmt.Printf("Hash URI hash:      %q \n", parsedHashURI.Hash)      // Hash URI hash:      "0ba904eae8773b70c75333db4de2f3ac45a8ad4ddba1b242f0b3cfc199391dd8"
fmt.Printf("Hash URI raw query: %q \n", parsedHashURI.RawQuery)  // Hash URI raw query: ""
fmt.Printf("Hash URI fragment:  %q \n", parsedHashURI.Fragment)  // Hash URI fragment:  ""

See Also

The Hash URI specification can be found at: https://github.com/hash-uri/hash-uri