DTU simulator for Hoymiles MI Microinverter

Primary LanguageC++Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

DTU simulator for Hoymiles MIx00, MI1x00 Microinverter over RF (NRF24)

This software is a QUICK&DIRTY SW for debugging/controlling the Hoymiles inverters over RF, tested with:

  • MI1500, 3 PV's.
  • MI600
  • TSUN800 (as MI600), 2 PV's

Based on the orig. SW from Hubi's earlier stage from this (https://github.com/hm-soft/Hoymiles-DTU-Simulation).

Project initiated here: https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/525778

Do not expect any quality from this SW!!!

Issues can be reported on https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/525778, but do not expect any answer immediately!!!

As far as you know what you are doing, you can use this SW.

Runs on ESP8266: wifi, mqtt, shows all data on serial monitor and on web site

Runs on Arduino: no wifi, serial monitor shows all data. arduino-ide 2.0.0-rc6 und 1.8.19

For zeroexport, it needs a sep. mqtt connection with a topic "ImpExpW" to a Chint-DTSU, see mqtt.h . I had to choose the topics so, because of an earlier implementation on RS485 modbus DTUPro<>DTSU666 in my house. You can change it as you like! If you change the topics, be sure change the PV numbers everywhere!

Define mostly everything in settings.h and secrets.h

  • Runs also as NRF24-Sniffer (adr 0x00aa, 0x0055, listen everything) if defined.
  • Output on serial monitor, if defined
  • Controlling over several serial commands
  • sends all data to a mqtt broker, if defined

Please SEE the issues !!!

VERSION "V0.1.5"

  • using secrets.h for SSID,PW etc.
  • stay on same RxCH until no Rx OR gets a rxtimeout
  • fine tuning on zeroexport
  • update timer for checkPV,zeroexport, webservice, mqtt
  • Tx only if its daytime (only with Wifi, otherways always Tx)
  • new mqtt id
  • still issues with Rx-irq, no issues with Rx-polling

VERSION "V0.1.6"

  • fixed limiting the wr over WR_LIMITTED in settings.h
  • more data moved to settings.h
  • several enhancements