
better note-taking tool for Anki

Primary LanguagePython

Better card adding UI for Anki 2. See <http://daily.muflax.com/log/105/> for a rough description and feature list.


- the TCP server addon at <https://github.com/muflax/anki-server>. You should copy that python script into your anki addon folder.
- `selection` script from <https://github.com/muflax/scripts/>
- `mock` library for Python
- all the Python libs that Anki uses, obviously


1. git submodule init
2. git submodule update
3. ./build.sh
4. Put anking.py on a shortcut in your WM somewhere.

TODO / Bugs

- support for more than one cloze type
- markdown
- smarter history for tags
- switching to cloze ignores the y-component of the cursor
- tags seem to be ignored sometimes?
- don't forget data when accidentally closed