
Ridiculously lightweight 'warp to directory' wrapper functions on cd and ln that make shell life a little easier

Primary LanguageShell

Warp to Directories

Ridiculously lightweight 'warp to directory' wrapper functions on cd and ln that make shell life a little easier.

Inspired by https://github.com/mfaerevaag/wd

How it works

Puts a bunch of symlinks in ~/.warp and uses them to jump around


Symlink wd.sh into your shell startup somehow. I like to source it into my shell from ~/.profile

# source all the extra completion files in ~/.shell_completion/
for f (~/.shell_completion/*.sh) {
    source $f


  • wda <name> <dir> add warp target
  • wdl list warp targets
  • wd <name> warp to target
  • wd- warp back to the directory before the last warp
  • wdr <name> remove warp target
