
notes from archlinux installation on thinkpad yoga x1

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thinkpad yoga archlinux setup

notes from archlinux installation on thinkpad yoga x1

ArchLinux Install Guide


  • hardware.txt - output from lspci and lsusb to compare with your own for drivers and firmware
  • setup.txt - basic run down of the install, start here after you have archlinux booting
  • devtools.txt - short list of things to install for development
  • systemd.txt - systemd service configuration
  • security.txt - security related notes, firewall, crypto
  • packages.txt - raw output from pacman -Qet
  • maintenance.txt - regular maintenance operations
  • media.txt - multimedia software and settings

config directory

attempt at keeping a clean copy of important system configuration

home is user home, anything named dot.whatever would need to be renamed to .whatever


  • wwan radio config
  • fingerprint reader
  • hi dpi tweaks