test if the terminal supports 256 colors
connect to APNS gateway using openssl to test Apple Push Notifications certificates
dumps a binary file as code friendly hex in Perl, C, C++, Pascal, or Delphi format
basic metrics given a bitly url bundle. Uses username and password from environment variables
batch shorten urls from sys.argv. Uses username and password from environment variables
convert a cer key to a pem key using openssl
compiled cisco-decript.c
source to decrypt cisco vpn secret keys
combine and minify js using google closure compiler
turns a collada file into a POD file
print terminal and hex color code translation table
generate date sequences
output plot on the terminal given list of x,y coordinates
undoes slowpipe.sh
wrapper script for svn diff command to use apple FileMerge
wrapper script for svn diff3 command to use apple FileMerge
wrapper script for svn merge-tool-cmd to use apple FileMerge
wrapper script for svn resolve command to use apple FileMerge
generate a password, takes $1 param for length
reverse lookup an ip address and resolve to a lat/long using freegeoip.net
commits all changes using the $1 parameter as the commit message
commits everything and pushes to svn using the $1 param as commit message
uploads files to github+s3 as a download on the downloads tab of a repo
javascript lint
prettyprint json
converts KMZ file to DAE file
converts KMZ file to POD file
converts all KMZ files in a directory to POD file
opens iOS app plist based on directory name and bumps the version strings
converts a source video into 3 popular html5 video formats
sorts all files in the current directory by md5 checksum to find duplicates
live transcode script used by mediatomb
turns an MKV file into a VOB file
pipes stdin through a javascript statement
creates octagon verts
convert a p12 key file to a pem file using openssl
fixes an individual MacPort
lists all inet addresses currently available
prompts for input for $1 applciation using a UI dialog with $2 as a prompt, returns as string
list running processes matching $1 arg as regex
launches oolong PVRTextTool command line interface via Wine
prints $1 count of random bytes to stdout using openssl
Create a self-signed server.crt and server.key acceptable for testing
slows network pipe on a given ip address to simulate 3g connectivity
pushes a build to test flight using TESTFLIGHTAPITOKEN, TESTFLIGHTTEAMTOKEN and TESTFLIGHTDISTRIBUTIONLIST environment variables
print GMT given unix timestamp
print ISO time given unix timestamp
print local time given unix timestamp
updates MacPorts and RubyGems
creates a polygon of $1 number of points that is $2 in diameter
converts a WAV file to a CAFF file LEI16 at 44100
convert excel file to tab delimited text file