
Configures Linux workspace with Ansible

Primary LanguageLua


Configs for my working environment. Mainly for Windows and Debian based Linux.

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/reksar/myenv.git

Edit ./settings.yml if needed.



Prompts for the sudo password for some shell scripts or Ansible tasks with become: true.

Can be installed with ./linux/scripts/install/sudo/sudo.sh. If the current user was not in the sudo group, then group memberships must be updated. Start a new shell instance, relogin or run newgrp sudo.

Ensuring the Ansible

Automatically runs this script chain on before ./ensure or ./config:

  • linux/scripts/install/ansible/ansible.sh
  • linux/scripts/install/python/python.sh
  • linux/scripts/install/pyenv/pyenv.sh

This allows to ensure the Ansible availability. If the Ansible is not installed in the system, it will be installed into the ./venv dir after ensuring the Python virtual environment there.

If the system Python version < MIN_PYTHON_VERSION, that is set in the python.sh installation script, then Python >= MIN_PYTHON_VERSION will be installed with pyenv.


./config to run default tasks.

./config <task> to run specific ./ansible/config/tasks/<task>.yml.


./ensure <program> to install specific program using the ./ansible/install/<program>.yml task and then automatically configure it with ./ansible/config/tasks/<program>.yml if needed.


./clean to remove the ./venv dir and Ansible's *.retry files.


Entry point: .\windows\myenv.lnk.

The myenv-test cmd can be useful.