
MS Visual Studio Tools for batch scripting

Primary LanguageBatchfile


Requires Build Tools for Visual Studio.

Makes VS Tools Command Prompt features available inside batch scripts:

init {-x 64 | -x 86} {-toolset}


call "vscmd\init" -x 64
call "vscmd\init" -x 64 -toolset

Calling init without args is the same as init -x 64 without -toolset.

Platform Toolset

Using the -toolset arg PLATFORM_TOOLSET env var.

MS Visual C++ projects have this XML property:


With PLATFORM_TOOLSET you can do something like:

<PlatformToolset Condition="'$(PLATFORM_TOOLSET)' == ''">

<PlatformToolset Condition="'$(PLATFORM_TOOLSET)' != ''">