
namespace aware xml to json converter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


streaming javascript object library


Arclamp is a JavaScript library for streaming data; that is, a set of independent small tools for taking structured data and operating or inspecting it in a streaming and event based fashion. This will typically take the form of serialization, deserialization, and format conversion functions supporting a particular streaming format.

The primary representations targetted for the current version of Arclamp are:

  • JsonContentHandler[1], streaming JavaScript objects & JSON.
  • XmlContentHandler SAX, streaming XML.
  • On disk 'Caminus' storage format.

[1] content transfered through JSON.simple's SAX-inspired ContentHandler interface. [2] through SAX's ContentHandler.

Future Plans

Additionally, Arclamp will support:

  • diffing via Rob Sayre's json-sync, which outputs differences between objects in JSON format.