
A live querySelectorAll, as an async iterator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Async Query Selector

A live querySelctorAll, as an async iterator

Create a querySelectorAll which will be re-run in response to DOM Mutation events. Already returned elements will not be returned again.


In the example below, the async query selector is setup to log all img's to console. Then, once running, a new image is added to the page. This too is logged, demonstrating the "live"-ness of the async-query-selector.

import AsyncQuerySelector from "async-query-selector"
async function logImgs(){
	for await( let img of AsyncQuerySelector( "img")){
		console.log({ img})
var porg= document.createElemnt("img")
// via https://twitter.com/kyle_newman/status/914273019819970561
porg.src= "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DRmCuNzW4AEXkM9.jpg:large"
document.body.appendChild( porg) //=> {img: ...}