
javascript module management. brings node's require statement and npm to the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

require brings require to the browser

Node's require() is the de facto javascript dependency statement.

npm is the de facto javascript module manager.

require brings both of them to the browser.


"Just give me some code that runs"

mkdir app; cd app
echo '{ "name":"app" }' > package.json
sudo npm install require
sudo npm install raphael
curl -O https://raw.github.com/gist/975866/little_server.js
curl -O https://raw.github.com/gist/975868/little_client.js
node little_server.js

Now go to http://localhost:8080


sudo npm install -g require


Start dev server""

require serve ./example --port 1234 --host localhost

In your HTML:

<script src="//localhost:1234/require/client"></script>

This is like calling require('client') from inside ./example. Read more on node's require path resolution


(You'll want to do this before you deploy to production)

require compile ./example/client.js > client.min.js

Use programmatically

In your node js:

require('require/server').listen(1234, __dirname + '/example')

or mount it on an http server you're already running

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { })
server.listen(8080, 'localhost')

or, as connect middleware

	connect.static(__dirname + '/example'),
	require('require/server').connect(__dirname + '/example')

Compile programmatically:

var compiler = require('require/compiler')

The compiler supports all the options of https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS, e.g.

compiler.compile('./example/client.js', { beautify:true, ascii_only:true })