
:lollipop: Colored help (usage) for flag (standard library)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


colorflag provides colorized help for CLI applications using Go's flag standard library


go get github.com/relastle/colorflag


Sample code

package main

import (


func main() {
	// main command
	flag.String("main-opt1-string", "", "Description of `quoted target`")
	flag.Int("main-opt2-integer", 0, "Description of integer option")

	// sub command 1
	sub1FlagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("sub1", flag.ExitOnError)
	sub1FlagSet.String("sub1-option-string", "default string value", "Description of string option of sub command 1")
	sub1FlagSet.Int("sub1-option-integer", 2, "Description of integer option for sub command")
	sub1FlagSet.Bool("sub1-flag-bool", false, "Description of flag for sub command")

	// sub command 2
	sub2FlagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("sub2", flag.ExitOnError)
	sub2FlagSet.String("sub2-option-string", "", "Description of string option of sub command 2")

	// Optional
	colorflag.Indent = 4               // default is 2
	colorflag.ExpandsSubCommand = true // default is true
	colorflag.TitleColor = "green"     // default is yellow
	colorflag.FlagColor = "cyan"       // default is green

	// Parse (and return selected sub command name)
	subCommand := colorflag.Parse([]*flag.FlagSet{

	switch subCommand {
	case "sub1":
		// Handle sub1 sub-command
	case "sub2":
		// Handle sub2 sub-command

Help output

The MIT License (MIT)