
Output Rollup stats JSON file

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Socket Badge ci

Output Rollup stats JSON file


npm install --dev rollup-plugin-stats


yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-stats


// rollup.config.mjs
import stats from 'rollup-plugin-stats';

export default {
  plugins: [
    // add it as the last plugin
// rollup.config.js
const stats = require('rollup-plugin-stats');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // add it as the last plugin


  • fileName - the JSON filepath relative to the build folder or absolute(default: stats.json)
  • write - format and write the stats to disk(default: fs.write(filename, JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)))
  • stats
    • source - output asset/chunk/module source (default false)
    • excludeAssets - exclude matching assets: string | RegExp | ((filepath: string) => boolean) | Array<string | RegExp | ((filepath: string) => boolean)>
    • excludeModules - exclude matching modules: string | RegExp | ((filepath: string) => boolean) | Array<string | RegExp | ((filepath: string) => boolean)>

Related projects

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🌀 relative-ci.com

Optimize your web app's performance with automated bundle stats analysis and monitoring.

  • 🔮 In-depth bundle stats analysis for every build
  • 📈 Monitor bundle stats changes and identify opportunities for optimizations
  • 🔔 Rule based automated review flow, or get notified via GitHub Pull Request comments, GitHub check reports and Slack messages
  • 🔧 Support for webpack and beta support for Vite/Rollup
  • 🔨 Support for all major CI services(CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Gitlab CI, Jenkins, Travis CI)
  • 🔩 Support for npm, yarn and pnpm; support for monorepos
  • 💕 Always free for Open Source