
Problems with WRMHL when trying to restart scene.

godorrobogod opened this issue · 0 comments

WRMHL is GREAT! Oh my god, wonderful. I'm using it with BLE to wirelessly communicate MPU9250 and potentiometer data from a toy to UNITY.

Everything has been great about your work except when I try to restart my scene. After restarting the scene with SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); my character being controlled by WRMHL will not move. I can see that I am still receiving serial data.

I assume I need to call the wrhml.close() function. However, when I try to call an instance of wrhml from my other script it stops loading the rest of the script. Is there a problem with calling an instance of wrhml from another script?

How would you go about closing/restarting wrhml from another script?