
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A simple sentinel/redis driver wrapper for laravel.

The default laravel redis driver supports redis clusters, however, it does not support high availability with redis, which is where Laravel-PSRedis comes to the rescue.

With Laravel-PSRedis you'll get all the laravel redis magic that you aleady have such as Redis::set() and Redis::get(), and even session, queue, and cache support using redis, you'll just be able to leverage High Avaliability redis instances instead of a simple cluster.

We do this by asking your Redis Sentinels the location of your master before creating our Redis bindings in the IOC Container. By doing this we ensure anytime your app has a connection to your redis instance, that connection is to master.

README Contents

## Installation ### Installation for Laravel 5

You can install Laravel-PSRedis easily with composer.

	"require": {  
        "indatus/laravel-ps-redis": "^1.2",
### Installation for Laravel 4

If you're using Laravel 4 then the installation is slightly different. Laravel-PSRedis depends on sparkcentral/psredis which requires 'predis/predis': '>=1.0' in it's stable release. I've taken the liberty of forking sparkcentral/psredis and rolling back predis/predis to 0.8.7 which is required by laravel 4. To utilize this fork simply require both indatus\larave-ps-redis and sparkcentral/psredis in your composer.json. And add a repository to point to the fork. Like so:

	"repositories": [  
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/Olofguard/PSRedis"
	"require": {  
        "indatus/laravel-ps-redis": "dev-master",
        "sparkcentral/psredis": "dev-master"        

This will help composer form an installable set of packages, otherwise composer complains about laravel needing predis/predis at version 0.8.7 while sparkcentral/psredis is installing 1.0.*.

## Configuration

Next, just fill in your sentinel/redis server info in the app/config/database.php config files that already exist in your application.

You may already have some default laravel config values in place in your database config file that looks like this.

	| Redis Databases
	| Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also
	| provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value systems
	| such as APC or Memcached. Laravel makes it easy to dig right in.
	'redis' => [
		'cluster' => false,
		'default' => [
			'host'     => '',
			'port'     => 6379,
			'database' => 0,

Just overwrite those with the values below and fill in your server info.

	'redis' => [

   		/** the name of the redis node set */
    	'nodeSetName' => 'sentinel-node-set',

    	'cluster' => false,

	    /** Array of sentinels */
	    'masters' => [
	            'host' => 'sentinel-instance.domain.com',
	            'port' => '26379',
            	'host' => 'sentinel-instance.domain.com',
        	    'port' => '26379',
    	/** how long to wait and try again if we fail to connect to master */
	    'backoff-strategy' => [
			'max-attempts' => 10, // the maximum-number of attempt possible to find master
			'wait-time' => 500,   // miliseconds to wait for the next attempt
			'increment' => 1.5, // multiplier used to increment the back off time on each try
### The Service Provider

Finally, you just need to add the service provider to the providers array in app.php and comment or remove the redis service provider.

    | Autoloaded Service Providers
	'providers' => [
		// 'Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider', # comment this out
		'Indatus\LaravelPSRedis\LaravelPSRedisServiceProvider' # add this

Note: you may have to composer dump-autoload after adding the service provider

## Contributing
  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
## Testing

Feel free to clone the repo and run the unit tests locally.

	./vendor/bin/phpunit -c ./phpunit.xml 
## License [The MIT License (MIT)](https://github.com/Indatus/laravel-PSRedis/blob/master/LICENSE)