
Relay Tools extra documentation and guides

Detailed Installation Guides


git clone https://github.com/relaytools/relay-tools-images.git
cd /root/relay-tools-images/machines

This is a good time to grab some coffee. ☕ (Average time: 15-20m)


Change your.domain to your own domain:

export MYDOMAIN=your.domain
machinectl enable mysql && machinectl enable strfry && machinectl enable relaycreator && machinectl enable haproxy

Relay Creation

  • Navigate to your domain in a browser
  • Sign in with Nostr (Authorize with NIP-07 extension)
  • Create a relay from the dropdown menu


cd /root/relay-tools-images/machines
machinectl terminate haproxy
systemd-nspawn -M keys-certs-manager /bin/bash

Change YOUR.DOMAIN to your own domain and RELAY.YOUR.DOMAIN to your relay's subdomain:

These are both case-insensitive.

certbot certonly --config-dir="/srv/haproxy/certs" --work-dir="/srv/haproxy/certs" --logs-dir="/srv/haproxy/certs" --expand -d "YOUR.DOMAIN" -d "RELAY.YOUR.DOMAIN" --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email --standalone --preferred-challenges http --non-interactive

Change both instances of YOUR.DOMAIN (case-insensitive) to your own domain:

These are both case-insensitive.

cat /srv/haproxy/certs/live/YOUR.DOMAIN/fullchain.pem /srv/haproxy/certs/live/YOUR.DOMAIN/privkey.pem > /srv/haproxy/certs/bundle.pem
  • Now type exit and reboot to complete your installation of relay.tools :)