This is a coredns plugin to return NXDOMAIN response for any domain on preloaded lists. It can be useful to block malware domains or trackers.
- 24fpsDaVinci
- 4Minato
- anthr76@coreweave
- cls-cleandnsCleanDNS
- crliu3227CECloud
- crypto512
- dawbs
- dawei101
- designinlife
- EntlebuchZookeeperEntlebuch LU, Switzerland
- epyonavenger@Backblaze
- Good4lienMoscow, Russia
- ilbuonmarcioGoldmark Solutions
- jake-fleming
- jeffscrum
- laurafuchs@syseleven
- Marcus-Arcadius
- mccormickt@Adversarial-Risk-Management
- mdloprestiBonney Lake, WA
- missdeerShanghai, China
- moyiz@pecan-ai
- mrbluecoatUSA
- pvelatiAmadeus IT Group
- reesericciHard Fork
- relekangNorway
- rtgnxGlasgow, Scotland
- rvelasq
- sfxworksMC Server Hosting LLC
- sgrankin
- techcutieamong the stars
- toanjuBerlin
- trevor-viljoen
- webD97REWE digital GmbH
- XedMadaAdept Anomaly
- xinzhanguoChina