
Quantumult(X)、Surge 脚本集合,解锁VSCO/Tiktok/Terimius...

Primary LanguageJavaScript

更新 04.08.2020

如大家需要使用 JS ,建议大家转移使用 Unzip 版本(简单轻松快乐版)https://github.com/limbopro/Profiles/blob/master/limbopro/Gift/Without/unzip/README.MD

Quantumultx 预配置文件解锁🔓各项姿势(VSCO/Tiktok/Terimius...)



  1. 利用 Quantumult X 自带的 [配置文件] - [下载] 功能对 Quantumult X 各个模块即参数进行预配置;
  2. 利用 NobyDa 贡献的脚本解锁🔓各项事务,VSCO,Termius,等;
  3. 另外默认配置的是 🔓 美区App Store下载的 Tiktok;届时自己进 [QuantumultX] - [配置文件] - [编辑] - 找到 Tiktok 修改参数即可
  4. Surge/Clash 用户可以使用由毒奶提供的 订阅转换 API,亦能获得相同的效果;https://limbopro.xyz/archives/subconverter.html


以下为本 Readme.md 正文。


使用 iMazing 备份 IPA(备份一下App,给自己一剂后悔药💊 QuantumultX/VSCO/Terimius/Tiktok..某些版本具有某些特别的特性)。


  1. 就最近的使用体验来做一个总结,引用本地脚本或多是优于引用远程脚本的;
  2. 如果你发现某个脚本(解锁)不好用,时灵时不灵,那就用用本地脚本吧(例如抖音去水印,明显感觉到本地脚本的优势百分百去水印);
  3. 以上,都是屁话;

26.11.2019 更新

本地,远程脚本均可用,仅针对 Quantumult X 1.0.3 版本;

仓库新增加 unblockremote.js,以简化 QuantumultX 1.0.3 配置设备ID流程,最终使得 [rewrite_remote] 远程引用脚本配置文件可用:(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/QuantumultX/Js.conf);

unblockremote.js 脚本内容最开始是在联萌群看见,原作者暂无出处,欢迎提醒更正。



第一步 fork 本仓库

fork https://github.com/limbopro/Script

*如果是很久之前就已经 fork 了的小伙伴,且又不想学习 Github进行fork后如何与原(上游仓库)仓库同步? ,或者 fork 了 https://github.com/NobyDa/Script ,请务必参考:https://github.com/limbopro/Script 该仓库的内容结构,在你 Fork 后的仓库下新建 unblockremote.js


unblockremote.js 内容为:

var body = $response.body;
body = '\/*\n@supported 你的QuantumultX设备ID填这里\n*\/\n' + body;

第二步 修改 unblockremote.js

1.进入 fork 后的仓库,找到并修改 unblockremote.js 脚本文件; 2.填写你的设备ID;(设备ID在哪?进入QuantumltX,点击右下角三菱按钮,点击右上角 ... 更多按钮,滑至底部关于,即可找到设备ID);

var body = $response.body;
body = '\/*\n@supported 你的QuantumultX设备ID填这里\n*\/\n' + body;

第三步 使用WorkingCopy同步 fork 到本地

  1. 修改好 unblockremote.js 脚本文件后;
  2. 使用WorkingCopyApp 将 fork 后的仓库同步到 我的iPhone - Quantumult X - Scripts - NobyDa 下;
  3. 不会使用WorkingCopyApp? 参考示例:使用Workingcopy 同步仓库到手机本地示例

第四步 配置 rewrite_local

编辑QuantumultX 配置文件(进入 Quantumult X App,点击右下角三菱按钮,找到配置文件模块,点击编辑),找到 [rewrite_local],并在 [rewrite_local] 添加:

^https:\/\/(raw.githubusercontent|\w+\.github)\.(com|io)\/.*\.js$ url script-response-body NobyDa/unblockremote.js


^https:\/\/(raw.githubusercontent|\w+\.github)\.(com|io)\/.*\.js$ url script-response-body NobyDa/unblockremote.js

第五步 配置 hostname

编辑QuantumultX 配置文件(进入 Quantumult X App,点击右下角三菱按钮,找到配置文件模块,点击编辑),找到 hostname =,并在 hostname = 后面添加:raw.githubusercontent.com, *.github.io,


hostname = raw.githubusercontent.com, *.github.io, vsco.co, *.my10api.com, *googlevideo.com, api.termius.com, api*.tiktokv.com, api*.musical.ly, api*.amemv.com, aweme*.snssdk.com, api.weibo.cn, mapi.weibo.com, *.uve.weibo.com, mp.weixin.qq.com, api.bilibili.com, app.bilibili.com, *.zhihu.com, aweme*.snssdk.com, *.kuwo.cn, ios.xiaoxiaoapps.com, api*.tiktokv.com, *.musical.ly, *.amemv.com, mjappaz.yefu365.com, p.du.163.com, getuserinfo.321mh.com, getuserinfo-globalapi.zymk.cn, api-163.biliapi.net, ios.fuliapps.com, vsco.co, api.vnision.com, *.my10api.com, bd.4008109966.net, sp.kaola.com, r.inews.qq.com, apple.fuliapps.com, newdrugs.dxy.cn, bdapp.4008109966.net, app101.avictown.cc, api.hlo.xyz, api.ijo.xyz, www.luqijianggushi.com, account.wps.cn, u.kanghuayun.com, api.gyrosco.pe, api1.dobenge.cn, api.mvmtv.com, mitaoapp.yeduapp.com, origin-prod-phoenix.jibjab.com, www.3ivf.com, pay.guoing.com, p.doras.api.vcinema.cn, api.termius.com, mjappaz.yefu365.com, viva.v21xy.com, dida365.com, ticktick.com

第六步 引用远程JS.conf

1.复制https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NobyDa/Script/master/QuantumultX/Js.conf链接(或者你fork后的JS.conf也行), 2.进入Quantumult X,点击右下角三菱按钮,找到Rewrite模块-点击 引用,粘贴刚刚复制的链接;


最后,进入 Quantumult X App,点击右下角三菱按钮,找到Rewrite模块,开启按钮,MitM模块,开启按钮;

更多或帮助关注频道:https://t.me/limboprossr ; 个人建议备份下 QuantumultX 1.0.3 基本上很完美了:仅需三步,免费使用iMazing 轻松下载IPA (当前最新版本)/ 或安装IPA文件(旧版本)(以及解锁完整版本以备份你的整个iPhone)


Quantumult X related Description:

  • Script remote resources and subscriptions only apply to QX v1.0.0(120). If the version is higher than v1.0.2 (136), you need to point to the local script path yourself.

  • Because the latest version 1.0.2 has limited the "remote resource" of the script, there will be an error in adding the subscription.

The difference between the versions :


Difference between Quantumult X versions :


  • Store version QX1.0.0 (120) JS function is unlimited, but does not support v2, does not support AlwaysOn

  • Store version QX1.0.1 (130) restricts keywords for script VIP types, but supports v2 and supports AlwaysOn

  • Store version QX1.0.2 (136) Relaxed certain keyword restrictions, but limited script remote references (script subscriptions), support for v2 and support for http and support AlwaysOn

  • Store version QX1.0.3 (155) Removed keyword restrictions and restored script remote references. However, the content in the remote script needs to be annotated with the device ID before it can be executed.

  • Store version QX1.0.4 (164) This version completely limits remote script resources, meaning that all scripts can only point to local paths.

  • Store version QX1.0.5 (192) Remote script resources are unavailable, but "task" script functionality is added.

  • Store version QX1.0.6 (212) Supports rewrite of HTTP request body, and replay of HTTP request

  • Store version QX1.0.7 (240) Supports TLS 1.3 for TLS based proxy protocols, and new external proxy protocol trojan.

QX1.0.3 add device ID, a simple example:

 * @supported 23AD6B11CD4B

let obj = JSON.parse($response.body)
obj["example"] = 0;

The above random generated device ID can be found at the bottom of Quantumult X additional menu, and it may change after system restore.

File related instructions:


  • AdRule.list (More than 8000 ad rules, integrate lhie1 and ConnersHua and added some advertising rules)

  • AdRuleTest.list (More than 1300 ad rules,This rule is modified from Scomper. Because the original author stopped maintenance, so take over the optimization and delete some normal rules, only for testing)

  • AdRuleRegex.list (More than 700 ad rewrite rules, integrate lhie1ConnersHuaonewayticket255 and Choler. You need to manually add the hostname of the second line in the file to Surge config file. and open MITM and trust the certificate)

  • Download.list (Integrate some BT, Thunder, download shunt rules)

  • Because ConnersHua ad rules are already included in this rule, you don't need to repeatedly add.

Quantumult X:

  • AdRule.list (More than 7000 ad rules, This rule is modified from lhie1,and delete ConnersHua duplicate)

  • AdRuleTest.list(More than 1300 ad rules,This rule is modified from Scomper. Because the original author stopped maintenance, so take over the optimization and delete some normal rules, only for testing)

  • Rewrite_lhie1.conf(More than 400 ad rewrite rules, integrate lhie1onewayticket255Choler, and delete ConnersHua duplicate,you need to open MITM and trust the certificate)

  • Js.conf (Script subscription of Quantumult X TF version, the Store version is temporarily unavailable, this subscription is no longer compatible with QX1.0.0)

  • Js_local_WorkingCopy.conf (Local script subscriptions that need to work with Working Copy apps, this subscription can solve the problem that remote subscription cannot be made above QX 1.0.4)

  • Js_local_WorkingCopy_Cookie.conf (This local subscription is used to resolve the cookie acquisition of QX task scripts, only available for QX 1.0.5 (188+) and above, you can disable it manually after use to avoid meaningless MITM.)

  • Note !!! Note !!! Note !!! Unlike the Surge rule, the Quantumult X rule does not include the ConnersHua ad rules, you can add it yourself.

Rule remarks :

  • Most of these are Chinese advertising rules. overseas users may not applicable
  • These rules only include ads. Please choose REJECT for the policy
  • Self-use only, Update depend on mood, if you have any questions, please submit a Issues or pull request.


  • Any unlocking and decryption analysis scripts involved in the Script project released by NobyDa are only used for resource sharing and learning research. Legality, accuracy, completeness, and validity cannot be guaranteed. Please judge according to the situation itself.

  • Any user who uses the script indirectly, Including but not limited to building a VPS or spreading if a certain behavior violates the country and laws or relevant regulations, NobyDa is not responsible for any privacy leak or other consequences caused by it.

  • Do not use any content of the Script project for commercial or illegal purposes,otherwise, all consequences are at your own risk.

  • If any unit or individual believes that a script of the project may be suspected of infringing its rights, it shall promptly notify and provide proof of identity, proof of ownership, we will delete the relevant script after receiving the certification file.

  • NobyDa is not responsible for any scripting issues, including but not limited to any loss or damage caused by any script error.

  • You must completely remove the above from your computer or mobile phone within 24 hours of downloading.

  • Anyone who views this project in any way or any script that uses the Script project directly or indirectly should read this statement carefully. And NobyDa reserves the right to change or supplement this disclaimer at any time. Once you use and reproduce any related scripts or rules of the Script project, you are deemed to have accepted this disclaimer.

Special thanks: