
AssemblyHands Toolkit is a Python package that provides data loader, visualization, and evaluation tools for the AssemblyHands dataset (CVPR 2023).

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

AssemblyHands Toolkit

AssemblyHands Toolkit is a Python package that provides data loading, visualization, and evaluation tools for the AssemblyHands dataset. The dataset and results were originally reported in a CVPR 2023 paper, see below:

AssemblyHands: Towards Egocentric Activity Understanding via 3D Hand Pose Estimation
Takehiko Ohkawa, Kun He, Fadime Sener, Tomas Hodan, Luan Tran, and Cem Keskin
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
[ paper ][ project page ][ arXiv ]

The dataset is also used in the challenge of the HANDS workshop in ICCV 2023.

Release notes

[Jun 26, 2023]: Add src/common/utils & upload skeleton.txt in the "annotations" folder
[Jun 26, 2023]: Fix a tar file of "nusar-2021_action_both_9075-c08b_9075_user_id_2021-02-12_101609.tar.gz" in the google drive
[May 24, 2023]: Open repository


python >= 3.8.11
pytorch >= 1.11.0

Dataset preparation

The number of images for each ego camera is not consistent because we only compressed valid egocentric images by excluding images without hands.

  • Assume the assemblyhands data is stored in ${DATA_DIR}. The structure of ${DATA_DIR} is as follows
    - images
        - ego_images_rectified
            - split: {test, train, val}        
    - annotations
        - skeleton.txt
        - split: {demo, test, train, val}  
            - assemblyhands_${split}_ego_calib_v1-1.json
            - assemblyhands_${split}_ego_data_v1-1.json
            - assemblyhands_${split}_joint_3d_v1-1.json

Please see the demo annotations to check the format.

  • Link the data and annotations to this codebase.
mkdir -p data/assemblyhands
ln -s ${DATA_DIR}/images data/assemblyhands 
ln -s ${DATA_DIR}/annotations data/assemblyhands 

The files that check image validity during data loading (invalid_${split}_${modality}.txt) will be generated when running the dataset.py first. With these files, image loading will be faster the second time and later.

Annotation format

All annotations must be accessible in data/assemblyhands/annotations/.

  • assemblyhands_${split}_${modality}_data.json: follows COCO format and is used for single-view image loading.
  • assemblyhands_${split}_joint_3d.json: contains 3d keypoint anootations.
  • assemblyhands_${split}_${modality}_calib.json: stores camera parameters with intrinsics and extrinsics.

Keypoint order: 0-20 Right, 21-41 Left

       (LEFT)              (RIGHT)
  37  33  29  25          4   8  12  16
  |   |   |   |           |   |   |   |
  38  34  30  26          5   9  13  17
  |   |   |   |  21    0  |   |   |   |
  39  35  31  27 |     |  6  10  14  18
  |   |   |   |  22    1  |   |   |   |
  40  36  32  28 |     |  7  11  15  19
   \  \   |   /  23    2  \   |   /  /
    \  \  |  /  /       \  \  |  /  /
     \  \ | /  24        3  \ | /  /
      \  -|-  /           \  -|-  /
          41                 20

Example of data loading and visualization

We have implemented a data loader in src/dataset/AssemblyHands-Ego based on the InterHand2.6M code.
Run the following command to visualize the annotations.

python -m src.dataset.AssemblyHands-Ego.dataset

Citation & license

Please cite the following article if our code helps you.

    title     = {{AssemblyHands:} Towards Egocentric Activity Understanding via 3D Hand Pose Estimation},
    author    = {Takehiko Ohkawa and Kun He and Fadime Sener and Tomas Hodan and Luan Tran and Cem Keskin},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    pages     = {12999-13008},
    year      = {2023},

AssemblyHands Toolkit is CC-BY-NC 4.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

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