
Relinx API Documentation

Relinx REST API Documentation


This repo contains Relinx REST API documentation.

To use this API please register at Relinx and add an API Key to your account.

API Keys

  • API Keys are used to authenticate to the system, so keep your API Keys secret
  • Only add an API Key to your account if you're using API access
  • Remove unused API Keys
  • Consider rotating API Keys periodically
  • Regenerate API Keys on any suspicious activity
  • API Keys are in the form id.key. For example vHU8cOfU1YgxH6uS.qR5ZvjbVM4HkKQoQ-jLMX7mklAELsXdDb-OQB3BHHROyaZNLEJ-SMTKgiQ7O6UxNaWs-XcA3dan9G0jHPleV
  • We store the id part in plain text (for you to identify your keys) and the whole key hashed. The key is generated and shown to you in plain text only once. We're not able to recover it, so make sure to note it


  • All APIs have a version (initially v1) specified in their URL
  • Adding non-breaking changes such as optional field, required field with a default value, returning an extra value, etc, will not result in a new version
  • New versions will be introduced on breaking changes (i.e. v2, v3 and so on)
  • We'll try to maintain backward compatibility as long as possible. In cases when it's not possible End-Of-Life date for a deprecated API will be announced
  • Consider watching (and starring 😉) this repo to get notified on changes and addition of new APIs


  • Base URL to prefix all URLs in this documentation is https://api.relinx.io
  • All APIs starting with the /auth prefix require the Authorization header to be set to "ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
  • Nearly all APIs require workspaceId custom header to be set to the current Workspace ID. See Get All Workspaces to get Workspace ID
  • Common constants used by APIs are described in CONSTANTS
  • Unless stated otherwise all PUT requests behave like PATCH, i.e. update only fields present in the request body and leave other fields intact
  • DELETE operations are permanent, though the log is retained.

Response Codes

Success Codes

All successful requests unless stated otherwise return status code 200 OK.

Error Codes and Conditions

  • 400 Bad request
    • Missing required field in an entity
    • Duplicate entry
    • Non-existent entity referenced by a foreign key
    • Request malformed by any other means
  • 401 Unauthorized
    • Missing or invalid API Key
  • 403 Forbidden
    • Performing operation not permitted by user's tier
    • Performing operation not permitted by user's role
    • Making changes to a read-only Workspace data
  • 404 Not found
    • Updating or deleting non-existing entity
    • Invalid workspaceId Header
    • Invalid API URL
  • 500 Internal Error
    • Temporary issue with an API Server. Please try again after some time. Sorry for any inconvenience in advance
    • Permanent issue with an API Server. Please open an issue in this repo describing the problem. Sorry for any inconvenience in advance

Postman Collection

  • Download and import Relinx.postman_collection.json into Postman Collections
  • Download and import Relinx.postman_environment.json into Postman Environments
  • Select newly imported Relinx environment
  • Set the apiKey variable in the Relinx environment. See Account page
  • Set the workspaceId variable in the Relinx environment. See Get All Workspaces


For security reasons some APIs like manipulating Workspaces, Users, Members, API Keys, etc are not published.


For any questions, problems related to the API access please open an issue in this repo or send an email to support@relinx.io