
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The IVIS project for your local dealer

Student 1: Tobias Vonesch Student 2: Sandro Bütler

Short description: We want to showcase drug trafficing hotspots and drug sources segmented by drug type and effect on a global scale with interactive maps. Our key target is to show where common drugs are coming from, where they get consumed and what the local quality and prices are. Furthermore we want to present where smuggler routes maybe go through and where the central hubs for drug traffiking around the world are located.

Technical information*

Main file path: index.html

Source code repo: https://gitlab.fhnw.ch/ivispro/druggler

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari

// Any further comments like used frameworks, etc,


Change to yes when your application is ready.

Version Status
First prototype ready Yes
Final version ready Yes