
Versioning CLI tool and Library

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Reliza Versioning

This tool allows for automatic generation and bumping of CalVer or SemVer or custom version schemas. Motivational article: https://worklifenotes.com/2020/02/27/automatic-version-increments-with-reliza-hub-2-strategies/

1. Features

  • Generate CalVer or SemVer versions
  • Bump CalVer or SemVer versions
  • Flexibility in creating and managing different flavors of versioning schemas
  • Usage as either Java Library or a CLI tool

2. Sample Command Line usage

2.1. Generate Reliza flavor CalVer with "Stable" modifier

java -jar versioning.jar -s YYYY.0M.Calvermodifier.Micro+Metadata -i Stable

or with docker:

docker run --rm relizaio/versioning -s YYYY.0M.Calvermodifier.Micro+Metadata -i Stable

2.2. Bump patch in existing SemVer version (will produce 2.4.8)

java -jar versioning.jar -s semver -v 2.4.7 -a Bump

or with docker:

docker run --rm relizaio/versioning -s semver -v 2.4.7 -a Bump

2.3. Sample call inside Reliza Versioning itself to bump version in the project's pom file, with snapshot option (-t flag) set to true:

gradle changeVersion -PnewVersion="$(java -jar path_to_versioning\versioning.jar -s yyyy.0m.Calvermodifier.patch -i Stable -t True)"

or with docker:

gradle changeVersion -PnewVersion="$(docker run --rm relizaio/versioning -s yyyy.0m.Calvermodifier.patch -i Stable -t True)"

Note that this example is using versions-maven-plugin (that Reliza Versioning is using too).

Similarly, Reliza Versioning can be included into Jenkins by being called from the bash scripts.

2.4. Show help page

docker run --rm relizaio/versioning -h

which will produce help summary page.

Note that in any usage case other than help page -s (schema) parameter is required.

2.5. Known version elements:

Reliza Versioning understands following elements of versioning schema (case insensitive):

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Micro (or Patch)
  • Year (or YYYY) - 4-digit year presentation
  • YY - 2-digit year presentation, if 1st digit is 0, only second digit is shown
  • OY - 2 digit year presentation, if 1st digit is 0, it's still displayed as 0
  • YYOM - 2-digit year presentation with month, i.e. 2103 is March, 2021
  • YYYYOM - 4-digit year presentation with month, i.e. 202103 is March, 2021
  • MM - 2-digit month presentation, if 1st digit is 0, only second digit is shown
  • OM - 2-digit month presentation, if 1st digit is 0, it's still displayed as 0
  • DD - 2-digit day presentation, if 1st digit is 0, only second digit is shown
  • OD - 2-digit day presentation, if 1st digit is 0, it's still displayed as 0
  • BRANCH - accepts any keyword, suggested for feature branch names
  • MODIFIER - semver modifier (see note below), by convention separated by minus (-), if another separator is not specified
  • CALVERMODIFIER - calver modifier (not to be used with SemVer)
  • METADATA - can be used with both CalVer or SemVer, by convention separated by plus (+), if another separator is not specified

Dot (.), underscore(_) may be used as separators. Dash (-) or plus (+) may be used as separators once each specifically for modifier and metadata. We recommend using dash for modifier and plus for metadata as per SemVer conventions, which then would be treated by the tool as optional elements.

Note: for SemVer always use "modifier" notation, for CalVer still use "modifier" if it's used after -, i.e. YYYY.MM-modifier, but use calvermodifier in the dot notation, i.e. YYYY.MM.Calvermodifier.Patch

Reliza Versioning also understands "SemVer" as a code for "major.minor.patch-identifier+metadata" (where identifier and metadata are treated as optional).

3 Different ways to use - CLI vs Java Library

3.1. For command-line usage or integration with CI/CD tools (such as Jenkins)

3.1.1. Use docker image:

docker pull relizaio/versioning

3.1.2. Compile locally (requires Java 8+ and maven) as jar CLI tool

from the project directory run

gradle build

3.2. II To use as a java library

3.2.1. Use as maven dependency from maven central:

For Maven:


For Gradle:

implementation 'io.reliza:versioning:2020.11.Stable.1'

See more options on the Maven Central page

3.2.2. Compile locally (requires Java 8+ and Gradle)

from the project directory run

gradle build

Using Gradle: publish to maven local repository:

gradle publisToMavenLocal

And include resulting .jar file from the target directory in your project. Then use io.reliza.versioning.VersionApi class for most common operations. More documentation coming soon.

Running the tests (requires Java 8+ and maven)

From the project directory run

Using gralde:

gradle test

4. Usage as Java Library

Use methods exposed in the VersionApi class to create vresions. More documentation is coming soon.


This project is created and open-sourced by Reliza


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • This project currently uses Java, Maven, Apache Commons and JUnit.