
Example project using two flask backends and React + Material UI frontend

Primary LanguagePython

Codebase Walkthrough

Code organization

  • data - raw data and sql scripts for making postgres tables and importing data from CSV into postgres.
  • flask-datastore - backend for serving data from postgres. Depends on postgres.
  • flask-backend - backend for serving data to frontend. Uses flask-datastore as data repository. Depends on flask-datastore.
  • react-app - React app for displaying results. Depends on flask-backend

Running the app

docker-compose build
docker-compose up react_app

Visit "http://localhost:8080"

Running backend tests

Run tests only after running previous docker compose run command to have all the dependencies started. Trying to run flask-backend tests without starting whole stack first, sometimes on the first run some tests that depend on flask-datasore will fail because of the race conditions. Just rerun command again.


docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm  --entrypoint "python -m pytest tests" flask_datastore


docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm  --entrypoint "python -m pytest tests" flask_backend