Sleep before qstat()
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Really like the package! Good work!
Only one tip...I'm calling the qsub using popen but if I'm calling qstat() right after, the package throws an exception as Grid Engine is still doing his job. I needed to add a sleep(2) in between.
I guess I need to check the popen until finished.
gold_auto_call = 'qsub -t 1-4 '
process = Popen(shlex.split(gold_auto_call), stdout=PIPE)
(output, err) = process.communicate()
exit_code = process.wait()
queue_info, job_info = qstat()
all_jobs = queue_info + job_info
From my experience the qsub
call is blocking until the job is in the queue.
What qsub flavor do you use? sun-grid-engine?
As you said, I think waiting until the qsub
call returns should prevent you from this race condition.
What exception is raised here?